Agenda item

Appointment of Executive Working Groups

Report to follow.


The Executive RESOLVED to approve:

1.         the re-establishment of the existing standing Executive Working Groups with membership to be advised by the relevant Portfolio Holder in due course:

·         Property, Assets and High Street Investment EWG (previously Asset Investment Advisory Board)

·         Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) EWG (previously CIL Advisory Board)

·         Climate Change EWG to include air quality matters (previously Climate Emergency Governance Board)

·         Landlord Services EWG (previously Landlord Services Advisory Board)

2.         the establishment of the following, additional standing Executive Working Groups with membership to be advised by the relevant Portfolio Holder in due course:

·         Sustainable Transport EWG

·         Training Provision EWG

·         Waste Strategy EWG

·         Waverley Housing Delivery EWG

3.        the establishment of the following Temporary Executive Working Groups, which lapse one-year from approval unless renewed by the Executive, with membership to be advised by the relevant Portfolio Holder in due course:

·         Cost of Living EWG 

·         Contracts and External Services Review EWG

·         Local Plan EWG


4.         amendments to the Executive Working Group Protocol, shown in red as follows:

3.         Any Executive member can propose to the Executive that an Executive Working Group should be established, and when making a proposal should:

(a) propose terms of reference and the scope of the task; and

(b) classify the new group as either ‘standing’ i.e., will continue to sit until formally dissolved by the Executive or, ‘temporary’ i.e., driven by an event or time-sensitive issue. Temporary EWG’s lapse one year from date of approval unless specifically renewed by the Executive.

6.         Executive working groups may consist of a maximum of NINE members, comprised of:

A.   The relevant portfolio holder, who will also chair the session.

B.   FIVE other Waverley Borough Council members.

C.     THREE other co-opted individuals (e.g., councillors from other authorities, relevant outside expertise) as non-voting members.

Reason: to establish: to establish Executive Working Groups to support the work of the Executive in specific areas.


The matter  is no available for call-in.


The Leader introduced the report on the establishment of Executive Working Groups and advised the Executive that he was proposing some amendments to the agenda report, which he had circulated to them previously.


The Leader outlined the revised proposals:

·         Re-establishment of the existing standing Executive Working Groups, with membership to be advised by the relevant portfolio holder in due course. Some of these groups would be re-named:

o   Asset, Regeneration and Sustainability EWG replacing the Asset Investment Advisory Board

o   Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) EWG replacing the CIL Advisory Board

o   Climate Change EWG replacing the Climate Emergency Governance Board, and to include air quality in its remit

o   Landlord Services EWG replacing the Landlord Services Advisory Board


·           New standing Executive Working Groups to be established with membership to be advised by the relevant portfolio holder in due course:

o  Sustainable Transport EWG

o  Training Provision EWG

o  Waste Strategy EWG

o  Waverley Housing Delivery EWG (replacing the Housing Delivery Board)


·           Temporary Executive Working Groups with membership to be advised by the relevant portfolio holder in due course, which would lapse at the end of the year unless explicitly re-established:

o  Cost of Living EWG

o  Contracts and External Services EWG

o  Local Plan EWG


The Leader had also proposed changes to the Executive Working Group protocol to include the three different types of Executive Working Group as described, and to clarify the default EWG membership, as being

A.            The relevant portfolio holder, who will also chair the session.

B.            Five other Waverley Borough Council members.

C.           Three other co-opted individuals (e.g., councillors from other authorities, relevant outside expertise) as non-voting members.

The default membership could be superseded by an agreed alternative Terms of reference for a specific group, agreed by the Executive.

There were no speakers on the amended recommendations, and the Executive RESOLVED to approve:

1.         the re-establishment of the existing standing Executive Working Groups with membership to be advised by the relevant Portfolio Holder in due course:

·         Property, Assets and High Street Investment EWG (previously Asset Investment Advisory Board)

·         Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) EWG (previously CIL Advisory Board)

·         Climate Change EWG to include air quality matters (previously Climate Emergency Governance Board)

·         Landlord Services EWG (previously Landlord Services Advisory Board)

2.         the establishment of the following, additional standing Executive Working Groups with membership to be advised by the relevant Portfolio Holder in due course:

·         Sustainable Transport EWG

·         Training Provision EWG

·         Waste Strategy EWG

·         Waverley Housing Delivery EWG

3.        the establishment of the following Temporary Executive Working Groups, which lapse one-year from approval unless renewed by the Executive, with membership to be advised by the relevant Portfolio Holder in due course:

·         Cost of Living EWG 

·         Contracts and External Services Review EWG

·         Local Plan EWG


4.         amendments to the Executive Working Group Protocol, shown in red and underlined as follows:

3.    Any Executive member can propose to the Executive that an Executive Working Group should be established, and when making a proposal should:

(a) propose terms of reference and the scope of the task; and

(b) classify the new group as either ‘standing’ i.e., will continue to sit until formally dissolved by the Executive or, ‘temporary’ i.e., driven by an event or time-sensitive issue. Temporary EWG’s lapse one year from date of approval unless specifically renewed by the Executive.

6.    Executive working groups may consist of a maximum of NINE members, comprised of:

A. The relevant portfolio holder, who will also chair the session.

B. FIVE other Waverley Borough Council members.

C. THREE other co-opted individuals (e.g., councillors from other authorities, relevant outside expertise) as non-voting members.

The above should be considered the default membership terms. These terms can be superseded by an agreed alternative Terms of reference for a specific group, agreed by the Executive.


Reason: to establish: to establish Executive Working Groups to support the work of the Executive in specific areas.

Supporting documents: