Agenda item

Matters arising from the formal review of the Inter-Authority Agreement and the Collaboration Risk Register (December 2022)

At its first meeting on 9 December 2022 the Joint Governance Committee considered reports on:


(a)  the formal review of the Inter-Authority Agreement (IAA), to ensure that it continues to be fit for purpose, with any changes required being recommended to both Full Councils; and


(b)  the six-monthly review of the collaboration risk register.


The attached report proposes an amendment to the Terms of Reference of the Joint Appointments Committee to permit substitute members; and, an amendment to the Inter-Authority Agreement relating to the notice period within Clause 21.1.





1)         the Terms of Reference of the Joint Appointments Committee are revised, as set out in the attached report; and


2)         subject to the recommendation of the Joint Governance Committee at its meeting on 17 March 2023, clause 21.1 of the Inter-Authority Agreement be amended as set out in the attached report.


102.1   The Leader introduced the recommendations arising from the Joint Governance Committee’s review of the Inter-Authority Agreement and the Collaboration Risk Register at its meeting last December, which were duly seconded by Cllr Merryweather.


102.2   At the meeting on 9 December 2022, the Joint Governance Committee noted that the terms of reference of the Joint Appointments Committee did not allow for substitutions, and agreed to recommend to the Guildford and Waverley Councils that the terms of reference be amended so that members of the Joint Appointments Committee could nominate a substitute if they were unable to attend a meeting. This would bring it into line with the terms of reference of the Joint Governance Committee which already allowed for substitute members.


102.3   The second recommendation proposed a minor change to the Inter-Authority Agreement provisions addressing Termination for Cause. The Leader confirmed that following the initial discussion at the Joint Governance Committee in December, legal advice had been taken and reported to the Joint Governance Committee meeting on 17 March 2023. The Joint Governance Committee had agreed the recommendation now before Waverley Council, to amend clause 21.1 of the Inter-Authority Agreement as set out in the agenda papers. Guildford Council would be considering the same report and recommendations at their meeting on 22 March 2023.


102.4   Cllr Peter Martin asked the Leader to elaborate on his statement made at the Godalming Town Annual Meeting regarding potential future co-location of Waverley and Guildford council offices, and whether it was still proposed to build houses on Crown Court Car Park. The Leader advised that the original draft vision statement for the Guildford and Waverley collaboration had envisaged the potential for some level of co-location, and that was part of the consideration of how Waverley’s land assets could be used more efficiently and cost residents less in maintenance. The outcome of the public engagement on the Godalming Town Centre regeneration had been clear that residents did not like the idea of building on Crown Court Car Park, but financial pressures remained and alternative options for addressing the capital requirements of The Burys would need to be considered, including the potential for co-location of council offices with Guildford.


102.5   Cllr Cosser asked whether a joint statement with Guildford was imminent, as that had been the impression given at the Annual Meeting. He went on to express concern about his perception that officers were leaving Waverley,  recruitment was difficult, and temporary staff costs were high. He asked for an early report to Council in the new administration on the financial costs of the collaboration. Cllr Mulliner spoke to confirm that he was in support of the recommendations, but added his concerns to those expressed regarding the Guildford collaboration.


102.6   The Leader summed up and responded to Cllr Cosser’s comments on staff turnover, referring to benchmarking that showed that Waverley was experiencing the same challenges as other local councils in retaining and recruiting staff. He also noted Cllr Merryweather’s offer to brief any Members on the finances of the collaboration.


102.7   The Mayor put the recommendations to the vote and they were agreed, with Cllr Anna James and Cllr Patricia Ellis asking that their vote against be recorded in the Minutes. Council therefore




1.         The Terms of Reference of the Joint Appointments Committee be amended as follows:


            (a) Delete the following:


                        “SUBSTITUTES: Substitutes shall not be appointed”


            (b) Insert the following:


                        “SUBSTITUTES: Substitutes may be appointed. Guildford Borough Council may appoint two substitute members. Waverley Borough Council may appoint two substitute members, with one being nominated by the Leader of the council, and one nominated by the Leader of Waverley’s Principal Opposition Group.”


2.         Clause 21.1 of the Inter-Authority Agreement be amended to read:


            “21      TERMINATION FOR CAUSE


            21.1     Without affecting any other right or remedy available to it, any Party may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect by giving written notice to a minimum of three months’ notice in writing to the other Party”

Supporting documents: