Agenda item


As a consequence of the recent boundary review of the wards of Waverley Borough Council and the Community Governance Review of the Towns and Parishes within the Borough, it is necessary for the Council to review the polling districts and location of polling places to make sure they are in the right areas for the new boundaries.


The purpose of this report is to agree the outcome of the Polling District and Polling Places Review. The new polling districts and polling places will be used for elections from May 2023 onwards.




It is recommended that the Council considers the recommendations of the Standards and General Purposes Committee and approves the proposed polling district and polling places.


65.1     Cllr John Robini introduced the Polling District and Polling Place Review and commended the recommendations to Council, which were duly seconded by Cllr Michael Goodridge.


65.2     As a consequence of the recent Boundary Review of the Wards of Waverly Borough Council and the Community Governance Review of the Towns and Parishes within the Borough it was necessary for the Council to review the polling districts and location of places to make sure they were within the new boundaries. The purpose of the report was to agree the outcome of the new Polling District and Polling Place Review as these would be used for elections from May 2023.


65.3     Council noted that there had been discussion at the Standards Committee about the suitability of the Chichester Hall in Witley as a polling place in preference to the local school. In response to a request for clarification from Cllr Follows, the Chief Executive confirmed that the Returning Officer did have the authority to vary the polling place for a particular local poll if there were particular circumstances that made a polling place not viable.


65.4     The Mayor then put the recommendation to the vote and it was


RESOLVED that the proposed Polling District and Polling Places be approved.

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