Agenda item

Q2 Performance Report

Q2 performance report –extract Corporate report – Annalisa Howson      


Annalisa Howson addressed the Board, she advised that the Q2 Performance report covered July – September.  She informed the Board that the works at Vernon Court had nearly been completed.  Annalisa Howson shared a photograph of the works with the Board.  She noted that the New Strategic Asset Manager, Hugh Wagstaff would be starting in January.  She advised that they had continued to work on the Housing Stock Condition survey tender and will be out next month. 


Annalisa Howson noted the work completed with the Tenants at Lucas Fields, she advised that it had been a very positive piece of work involving Tenants and Councillors.  She confirmed that there had been some improvements to the lighting and pathways that had made a real difference.  She informed the Board that this was something she really wanted to continue and intends to roll it out to other residents.


Annalisa Howson, confirmed that she spoke with Chris Shipway from Ian Williams regarding their performance as they were not yet meeting targets.  She noted the areas of improvement and that the contractors performance was heading in the right direction.  She also noted that the team was now fully staffed and had recruited a Resident Liaison Officer.  Annalisa Howson advised the Board that as winter approached the council would see a significant increase in the number of responsive repair jobs.


Councillor John Robini queried the red KPI’s, he noted that the performance was improving, but hoped that at the next meeting some of those indicators would be amber and green.  Annalisa confirmed that the red KPI’s were related to the voids and repairs contract and she expected to see improvements as a result of the staff recruitment as mentions earlier.  Councillor Keen queried the current response turn around time.  Annalisa Howson confirmed that this was now 26 days, compared to a target of 20 days.  She explained that the target had not been meet for some two years as a result of Covid-19 and the proceeding lockdowns.  There was further discussion by the group with regards to the multiskilled workers and those specialist trades like roofs and flooring.


Danielle Sleightholme queried the notice of seeking possession and understanding the process this follows, she felt that a flowchart of the steps would be helpful to understanding where help and support could be provided to residents.  Annalisa Howson confirmed that there had only been one eviction in 2022 and the team were focused on helping tenants stay in their homes.  She advised that the rent team could attend the Tenants Panel and provide an update.  Danielle also queried the target for the level 2 complaints and whether it was attainable.  Annalisa felt that it was a challenging target that was attainable and she would like to keep working towards meeting the target.  She reminded the Board about the changes to the designated Persons Complaint panel and the new Customer Experience Group.


The Group discussed void properties, including the state properties are returned to the council and plan to improve the void turn around performance.

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