Agenda item

Safer Waverley Partnership

The Committee are to review and scrutinise the work of the Safer Waverley Partnership (SWP), the Draft SWP Plan 2024-27, and the activities of its partners. This fulfils the requirements of Section 19 of the Police and Justice Act 2006.


53.1     The Executive Head of Community Services gave a brief introduction to the work Safer Waverley Partnership (SWP), noting the end-of-year status and action plan also attached, in addition to the financial and staffing challenges faced by partner agencies that impact delivery of the plan’s objectives. Officers gave a brief overview of the multi-agency groups in the partnership such as the Community Harm and Risk Management Meeting (CHaRMM) and the Joint Action Group (JAG).


53.2     Cllr Munro enquired about the renaming of ‘Community Triggers’ to ‘Antisocial Behaviour Case Review’ and how this work is publicised. Officers clarified that the name change was determined by legislation, and that publicity – headed by the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office - has led to increased uptake, though there are still challenges around complex cases, many of which can be addressed through another, more appropriate mechanism.


53.3     Cllr Busby referred to the difficulty of knowing when residents should be referred and when they meet the criteria. The Community Services Manager encouraged any member with concerns to email herself or the ASB Officer whenever they would like assistance. The ASB Officer concurred and encouraged the earliest intervention.


53.4     The Vice-chair stated that he found locating webpage detailing the work of the Partnership on the Waverley Borough Council website difficult. Officers confirmed that they would review its online visibility with the Communications team.


53.5     Cllr Munro referred to ASB issues on Thursley Common in the area leading to The Punch Bowl, a recent visit to the area with Commander Rob Brian and Constable Archie Ridley, and the local parish council’s desire for a JAG for the area. The Community Services Manager stated that a JAG task-and-finish groups are the medium by which specific areas such as these can be addressed, but first need to be nominated and meet certain criteria. The Borough Commander added that work can be undertaken outside of this forum.


53.6     The ASB Officer noted that the solution being sought for the Thursley Common concerns would involve National Trust and other partners, so will be more bespoke. The Executive Head of Community Services noted that some community issues may not be amenable to any solution and partners will understandably prioritise achievability and expediency, while Cllr Munro and officers noted the success of employing different mechanisms at Frensham Common.


53.7     Cllr Austin praised the work of officers, requested member training on the work of the partnership and enquired as to liaisons with the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities. The Executive Head of Community Services noted that the council has never had such a dedicated officer, that she was herself the former liaison officer at Guildford Borough Council, and that Surrey County Council (SCC) have such a unit, adding that unauthorised encampments established on Waverley land are contacted through the Enforcement Team, alongside advocacy groups such as Friends, Family and Travellers and the Surrey Gypsy, Traveller Communities Forum.


53.8     Cllr Munro asked about the retirement of Neighbourhood Dispute Action Groups (NDAGs). Rob Brian clarified that the actions resulting from Community Triggers (now ASB Case Reviews) sat more naturally with CHaRMMs and JAGs. It was therefore more efficient to remove NDAGs.


53.9     Cllr White referred to the Godalming Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) and what remedies may be used for ASB in Farnham - officers clarified that PSPOs apply to areas and must be tailored to a place’s specific needs. Rob Brian noted that officers attending to ASB reported on a PSPO area seek to use substantial powers before resorting to powers granted by a PSPO as these are more effective.


53.10   The ASB Officer noted that an increase in antisocial behaviour has been observed at the Brightwells site given the incomplete building works, and that the developer have now implemented security measures there.


The Committee RESOLVED to recommend to the Executive that the Executive assist in better promoting the work of the Safer Waverley Partnership with councillors and the public, as they and the relevant officers believe is appropriate.


The Committee also RESOLVED to recommend that the Executive endorse and help facilitate a training and awareness course for members on the subjects of the Safer Waverley Partnership and Public Space Protection Orders, with the presence of police colleagues if possible.


The Committee also RESOLVED to recommend that the Executive assist in assuring that the Community Services Officers working on the Safer Waverley Partnership are fully resourced.



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