Agenda item



59.1     The Leader welcomed Cllr Busby to the Council and the Liberal Democrat Group.  Since the last Council meeting, there had been a further meeting of the Cost of Living Working Group which was carrying out important work.  The Leader thanked the Housing team for a number of recent interventions regarding heating; thanked the Finance team for their work on the recent statements from the Chancellor of the Exchequer; and the Democratic Services and Business Support Team Manager for her support of the Council meetings.


            The Leader then invited the Executive to make the following announcements:


59.2     Cillr MacLeod advised that parking revenue had increased in recent months which was good news for the economic health of the Borough.  Two afternoons of free parking for residents would be provided in the Christmas period.  There had been a spate of abandoned vehicles in one part of the Borough which had been dealt with.  The commercial element of Brightwells should complete in the middle of 2023, however the opening of the scheme would be determined by Surrey County Council.  Coppa Club, a high end restaurant chain, would be opening a restaurant in the development.


59.3     Cllr Penny Marriott updated the Council on the work of the Community Safety team and the Safer Waverley Partnership, which had reported to it’s participating organisations on its work over a three year period.  Cllr Marriott had also attended the Hundred Year celebration of the Muslim women’s group, which was part of the Ahmadiyya community.


59.4     Cllr Mirylees advised that tender returns had been received for the Leisure Management contract and the evaluation of these would conclude in a couple of weeks.  Bidders that met the requirements would then be invited to submit a revised tender, with the contract due to be awarded in March 2023.  The Cranleigh Leisure Centre tender specification was being finalised, with a view to appointing a design team and energy consultant in January 2023.  Consultation would take place with stakeholders would take place prior to the planning process which was expected to take approximately one year, with construction due to begin in 2024.


59.5     Cllr Palmer advised that the Housing team were providing a critical role at the moment during the cold weather.  He encouraged councillors to contact the team if they were aware of any residents in need during the winter period.


59.6     Cllr Paul Rivers updated on the work on the response to the letter from the Secretary of State asking for Registered Social Landlords to set out what systems and processes they have in place to deal with damp and mould in social housing.  He thanked all officers for their diligence and expertise.


59.7     Cllr Liz Townsend thanked the Economic Development team for organising the first joint business question time with Guildford Borough Council held at Charterhouse and thanked the panel and keynote speakers.  The team had also been working with retailers across the borough distributing top-up funding to support festive activities to attract Christmas visitors.  Cllr Townsend welcomed the improvement plan for the planning service and thanked the team for their hard work.  The Local Plan Part 2 main modifications were out to consultation, and this was due to conclude on 27 January 2023.


59.8     Cllr Williams advised that Waverley and Farnham Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIP) had been prepared by the consultants working with Surrey County Council and both documents would be going through further consultation before being adopted.  Additional electric vehicle charging points would be rolled out in five car park locations in the borough.  A hearing date had been set for the Council’s legal challenge of the Secretary of State’s decision to allow UKOG to drill for hydrocarbons in Dunsfold.  This would be heard on 2 March 2023.