Agenda item

Fairground Car Park Development Project

This report seeks to inform the Executive of the proposal to redevelop the Fairground Car Park site in Haslemere and the high-level timeline to take the project forward.




It is recommended that a budget of up to £50,000 be approved to be met from the Property Investment Reserve to progress due diligence, including title reports, contamination assessment and external professional assistance with tender specification and evaluation.


RESOLVED that a budget of up to £50,000 be approved to be met from the Property Investment Reserve to progress due diligence, including title reports, contamination assessment and external professional assistance with tender specification and evaluation.


Reason: The Fairground Wey Hill site has been identified as an opportunity for development of a council owned asset under the Asset Investment Strategy, in support of the corporate priorities. The site is currently a free unmade car park in the centre of Haslemere and is used by local shoppers and commuters. The draft local Plan part 2 (LPP2) designates the site as brownfield, to yield at least 20 dwellings, as a mixed-use development and identifies the need to retain parking spaces where possible.


Initial consultation was done in September 2021 with a site visit attended by Ward Members, officers and supported by HLM Architects. Progression of the development plans for the site will include further consultation with Haslemere Town Council and the Haslemere Hub to ensure it is appropriately accommodated within the development plans.


An Option appraisal has been undertaken to assess the wider development potential of the site and specifically, the viability of a mixed used development scheme. This has demonstrated that a scheme is achievable, including at least the required LPP2 20 dwelling and retained car parking capacity. A Project Initiation Document (PID) for the project has been drawn up to provide a governance framework to progress the project.


The next stage of the project is to develop a tender specification incorporating the LPP2 and asset investment compliant criteria to seek bids from interested parties to acquire a long lease of the commercial, provide site development and delivery proposals (i.e. a development partner). The evaluation of the tender process will inform the optimal scheme for the site and will determine the funding strategy.


The outcome of the tender process will be brought back to Executive to agree the next steps as appropriate.


[Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee]


Councillor Merryweather presented the report which set out a proposal to progress due diligence in respect of the Fairground Car Park site in Haslemere to enable its redevelopment.  He echoed the comments made by Councillor Townsend in respect of the constraints placed on the Council by the Government and welcomed the opportunity to develop Council owned land.


Councillor Mulliner echoed the comments made in respect of Ukraine and the need to protect freedoms.  He spoke on the report and highlighted the low number of dwellings proposed for this site.  The density of the surrounding sites indicated that the site should have a higher density and this should be investigated to maximise the use for housing.


Councillor Hyman echoed the comments made in respect of Ukraine and the need to protect democracy.  He spoke on the report and asked the Executive to instruct officers to provide bird numbers and mitigation against environmental loss.


Councillor Merryweather responded that due diligence would consider density, provision of car parking and the needs of the local residents. 


The Leader welcomed the report and although some of the comments were not relevant to the consideration of the report, agreed to respond to Councillor Hyman outside the meeting.


RESOLVED that a budget of up to £50,000 be approved to be met from the Property Investment Reserve to progress due diligence, including title reports, contamination assessment and external professional assistance with tender specification and evaluation.


Reason: The Fairground Wey Hill site has been identified as an opportunity for development of a council owned asset under the Asset Investment Strategy, in support of the corporate priorities. The site is currently a free unmade car park in the centre of Haslemere and is used by local shoppers and commuters. The draft local Plan part 2 (LPP2) designates the site as brownfield, to yield at least 20 dwellings, as a mixed-use development and identifies the need to retain parking spaces where possible.


Initial consultation was done in September 2021 with a site visit attended by Ward Members, officers and supported by HLM Architects. Progression of the development plans for the site will include further consultation with Haslemere Town Council and the Haslemere Hub to ensure it is appropriately accommodated within the development plans.


An Option appraisal has been undertaken to assess the wider development potential of the site and specifically, the viability of a mixed used development scheme. This has demonstrated that a scheme is achievable, including at least the required LPP2 20 dwelling and retained car parking capacity. A Project Initiation Document (PID) for the project has been drawn up to provide a governance framework to progress the project.


The next stage of the project is to develop a tender specification incorporating the LPP2 and asset investment compliant criteria to seek bids from interested parties to acquire a long lease of the commercial, provide site development and delivery proposals (i.e. a development partner). The evaluation of the tender process will inform the optimal scheme for the site and will determine the funding strategy.


The outcome of the tender process will be brought back to Executive to agree the next steps as appropriate.


Supporting documents: