Agenda item

Leader's and Portfolio Holders' Updates


The Leader and Portfolio Holders gave brief updates on current issues not reported elsewhere on the agenda:

·         The Leader advised that the changes to the Executive, announced at the previous meeting, were now in place and welcomed Councillor Paul Rivers to the Executive as Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing (Operations).

·         The Leader also advised that a cross-party working group of Councillors from Guildford and Waverley were meeting weekly to discuss and draft the Heads of Terms of the Inter-Authority Agreement.

·         The Leader encouraged those not yet vaccinated to get a vaccination as Covid rates were still high.  He also asked the Executive to highlight any Covid related support funding in their areas.

·         Councillor Clark provided an update on the results of a survey of Councillors to ascertain their IT requirements and use of paperless meeting software.  This was an important area to consider as Councillors had a duty to read papers in advance of meetings.  Whilst it was desirable to move to a paperless meeting environment, this must not impinge on the ability of Councillors to carry out their duties.  He thanked those Councillors who had responded and advised that the IT support would be tailored to Councillors’ needs, with an action plan being brought back to the Executive for consideration.                                                                                       

·         Councillor MacLeod advised that a project was ongoing to look at enforcement across the whole Council.  On the Brightwells project, he advised that the projected opening date of the commercial element was now expected to be November 2022 and this was tied in with the opening of the cinema.  The developer had advised that there had not been much progress with commercial lets, however the developer was still optimistic that 70% of units would be let by the time of opening.  He clarified that the Council had not been the cause of delays, as had been reported, rather that the Council had been waiting to receive information from third parties on a complex legal issue.  The Leader added that he would like to encourage Surrey County Council and the developer to continue to communicate on this important project.

·         Councillor Mirylees reiterated her earlier points in her response to Councillor Heagin and she hoped to have an update on green spaces at the next meeting.

·         Councillor Rivers provided an update on the Landlord Services Advisory Board, which he had chaired for the first time in January.  He commended the Board to the Executive and welcomed the engagement with tenants representatives. 

·         Councillor Townsend provided an update on her new portfolio, including ongoing work on Local Plan Part 2 and the development of a biodiversity and sustainability checklist.  A new server for planning would be introduced which it was hoped would speed up the current system.  She reminded those present that there was still support funding available for local businesses impacted by the pandemic and applications would close on 18 March 2022.  The draft Biodiversity Policy was being finalised and would come forward for consideration shortly and the Friday Night Project had returned to Cranleigh. 

·         Councillor Williams provided an update on the decarbonisation work on Memorial Hall in Farnham.  A consultant had been appointed to carry out a feasibility study on solar panel installation on specific sites in the borough.  The Waverley walking and cycling infrastructure plan work had begun, with town and parish councils invited to participate.