Agenda item

Corporate Performance Report Q2

The Corporate Performance Report provides an analysis of the Council’s

performance for the second quarter of 2022-23. The report, set out at Annexe 1,

is being presented to each of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees for

comment and any recommendations they may wish to make to the Executive.


Jenny Sturgess and Heads of Service to highlight areas relating to this committees remit.


Louise Norie informed the Committee that there was an error with the Q2 Housing Delivery and Community summary. She noted that an amended summary had been circulated to members and hard copies handed to members this evening.  The Chair noted that due to the extraordinary meeting on the 7 November, many areas within the report were familiar. 


Councillor Edmonds raised queries relating to the Chief Executive’s Summary. He queried staff losses through mergers, intellectual synergies, and best practice.  He also asked if consideration had been given to asset similarities and identify potential issues in the merger.  Tom Horwood, Joint Chief Executive, responded to the queries raised reminding the Committee of the Full Council resolution to proceed with a collaboration with Guildford Council on the basis of a joint shared management team.  He added that the team would propose businesses cases on a service-by-service basis for future collaborations. Tom Horwood reminded the Committee that at the Full Council meeting in April 2022, a Joint Governance Committee was established and would be meeting in December to review the inter-authority agreement and the risk register.


Councillor Heagin raised a query regarding the discretionary element of the energy rebate scheme within the Finance and Property section of the report.  She wanted further clarification on what had been proposed to ensure that all the funds were allocated and there was no underspend.  Peter Vickers, Executive Head of Finance responded to the query advising that a report would be circulated noting that the criteria had been widened to capture more individuals in need and auto awarding funds had been made.


Councillor Nicholson raised a query regarding Queensmead outturn.  Andrew Smith, Executive Head of Housing, advised that the query would be taken back and raised with HRA Finance colleagues and reported back to the Committee.  The Chair noted the savings of the Joint management team and highlighted the reference to shared executive support, he queried when there would be an update.  Tom Horwood advised the Committee that the JMT would be discussing the matter over the next week.


Councillor Heagin raised a concern regarding the performance of the responsive repairs and the contract.  She noted that that the summary stated 200 overdue repairs were expected and manageable, however indicator HO5B only showed 14% incompletes after 28 days and was below the target of 10%.  Responding to the query Andrew Smith advised the Committee that the new responsive repairs contract started on the 1 April and was not quite meeting its targets yet.  He noted that there had been some improvements and he had met with the contractor and customer services team and things were improving. 


The Chair inquired to the recruitment of flooring, roofing and groundworks operatives.  Andrew Smith advised the Committee that this was improving slowly along with compliance officer’s and will be kept under review.  The Chair also queried the Strategic Asset Manager vacancy.  Andrew Smith informed the Committee that Heather Rig was currently acting up into the role and Hugh Wagstaff would be taking up the role in the new year.


Councillor Heagin raised a question regarding the notice of seeking possession and the context regarding the figure of 18 described in the report.  Responding to the query Andrew Smith advised that a notice was very much like a warning and rarely resulted in an eviction.  The Chair asked if there was further information on the Housing Delivery variances for the Capital programme.  Peter Vickers advised the Committee that he would circulate further information on the underspend and profiling of the expenditure. 


Councillor Howard sought further clarification on recruitment, and whether salary was an issue.  Andrew Smith advised the Committee that the Council were considering salaries and were part of a benchmarking exercise with other councils and housing associations, he felt that there was a good case to put forward for supplements.  Councillor Edmonds asked if the cost of local accommodation was a factor to the recruitment issue.  Andrew Smith informed the Committee that local accommodation had always been an issue, specifically when those jobs were for services that require visiting properties.  He also noted the lack of a good private rented sector. 


Tom Horwood advised the Committee that recruitment had been identified as a wider corporate risk and something that the JMT were monitoring.  He explained that it was an industry wide issue and councils were competing for a diminishing number of staff, especially in some professions like planning and repairs. He advised that remote working and collaborating with other councils was part of the Council’s solution.

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