Agenda item

EXE 59/21 Cranleigh Leisure Centre Investment

This report provides an update on the Cranleigh Leisure Centre investment project. Focusing on the outcomes of the Options Appraisal conducted in 2019 and the Feasibility Update Report completed in September 2021 (Exempt Annexe 1) allowing for the impact of the pandemic on any potential business case.




It is recommended that the Executive considers the findings of this report and recommends to Council:


1.             that a capital budget of £19.95m be allocated to deliver a low carbon new-build Cranleigh Leisure Centre, to a minimum of Passivhaus standard;


2.             that officers appoint a project manager and specialist energy consultant as part of the professional technical services team, to be supported by an in-house client team and to approve an associated budget of £250,000;


3.             to approve a new-build leisure centre on Village Way car park, subject to planning, (Option 1, to the north of the existing centre) as the preferred location, as set out within Annexe 1 of the report; and


4.             to ask officers to report back to members when final costs, design, preferred contractor, and precise funding arrangements are known.


71.1     The Leader formally moved the recommendations which were duly seconded by Councillor Townsend who introduced the report which set out proposals for a capital investment to build a new low carbon leisure centre in Cranleigh to replace the 52 year old leisure centre which was no longer financially viable due to the operating and maintenance costs.  Cranleigh had seen an increase in the demand for leisure facilities following the growth in population.  Councillor Townsend thanked the commitment of the Executive in bringing the recommendations forward, which were in line with corporate commitments to improve the health and wellbeing of residents and take action on climate change.  She thanked the Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee for its support for the recommendations.


71.2     Councillor Foryszewski spoke in support of the recommendations and thanked the officers for their work on the proposals.  She suggested that a multi-agency working group be set up to develop the technical proposals.


71.3     Councillor Seaborne spoke in support of the recommendations however sought assurances that officers would stay in regular contact with Exeter and Spelthorne to track lessons learnt from their two flagship Passivehaus developments.  He sought clarification from the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability that the Co2 reductions quoted were operational or whether the emissions involved in the construction of the new centre been factored in; that the data set did not include emissions from Waverley’s housing stock; and where the 2019/20 emissions data could be found.


71.4     Councillor Wilson welcomed the recommendations which would also benefit all the Borough’s leisure centres.  Councillor Williams welcomed the recommendations, thanking the officers for their work on the proposals.  He advised that the Council would continue to learn lessons from Exeter and Spelthorne.  The new centre would provide a significant reduction in the Council’s carbon footprint and contribute to net zero carbon.  The existing leisure centre represented around 11% of the Council’s total carbon footprint. A further 2% was emitted from the housing stock.


71.5     Councillor Reed spoke in support of the recommendations and the business which would be generated in Cranleigh from the proposals and echoed the point made by Councillor Foryszewski that the current leisure centre manager should be involved in the development of the proposals.


71.6     Councillor Dickson welcomed the report and congratulated the Portfolio Holder in bringing forward the recommendations.  She spoke in support of the positive impact they would have on health and wellbeing in Cranleigh.  However she was concerned over the cost and timeframe for delivery and suggested brining in a third party to deliver the project. 


71.7     Councillor Mulliner advised that the Exeter leisure centre had been opened in July 2021 and the Spelthorne centre was yet to be built, which would provide invaluable experience on which to draw upon.  The £20m was an indicative cost and would become clearer.  He understood that it was expected that the revenue would offset the build cost in the coming years and welcomed the centre for the residents of Cranleigh.


71.8     In summing up the Leader thanked the Portfolio Holders and the officer teams across the Council involved in bringing the proposals forward.  He echoed some of the comments made in the debate and advised that a sustainable business plan was in place and was keen for the project to be delivered in-house.  He welcomed the proposals to build a centre which was green and environmentally sustainable, but one that would also generate revenue for the Council and commended the recommendations to the Council and it was




i.              a capital budget of £19.95m be allocated to deliver a low carbon new-build Cranleigh Leisure Centre, to a minimum of Passivhaus standard;

ii.            that officers appoint a project manager and specialist energy consultant as part of the professional technical services team, to be supported by an in-house client team and to approve an associated budget of £250,000;

iii.           to approve a new-build leisure centre on Village Way car park, subject to planning, (Option 1, to the north of the existing centre) as the preferred location, as set out within Annexe 1 of the report; and

iv.           to ask officers to report back to members when final costs, design, preferred contractor, and precise funding arrangements are known.

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