Agenda item

Parking Charging Strategy Review

The purpose of this report is to review the current parking-charging regime following the strategic review of car parking carried out in 2019/20 and make recommendations for the future charging strategy. 




2.1       That the Executive note the report and.


                 I.       Recommend the proposed strategic tariff structure set out in Annexe C to the Council.

                II.       Recommend the proposed 50% discount in pay and display charges to incentivise the move to ultra-low and zero emission vehicles in 6.4 below.

               III.       Acknowledge the need to review the tariff structure on an annual basis to assess.

a.    general patterns of use across car parks to assess whether the charging strategy has achieved its desired objectives and whether the tariff structures need to be modified

b.    patterns of use in the Brightwell’s Yard car park and any changes required to charging regimes, (e.g., Evening and Sunday charges?)

c.     the uptake of discounted charges for Ultra Low Emission (ULEV) and Zero Emission (ZEV) vehicles, its impact on income levels and whether the level of discount needs to change.





Councillor Nick Palmer, Portfolio Holder for Operational and Enforcement Services introduced the report which set out a review of the current parking-charging regime following the strategic review of car parking carried out in 2019/20 and recommendations for the future charging strategy.  He proposed the following minor amendments:


·         That the 3 hour charge on Saturdays in Weydown Road be £3.20 and not £6.00 in order to offer a cheaper alternative to the station car park, as set out in Annexe C.

·         To defer the proposed changes to the Station Lane Milford car park pending further discussion with ward and parish councillors and community representatives, in recognition of concerns raised by Milford Councillors.

·         That the discount for electric vehicles be 50% and the discount for hybrid vehicles be 25%, to address the comments raised by the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee that electric and hybrid vehicles should not be treated the same due to hybrid vehicles use of fuel.

Councillor Palmer addressed some of the consultation responses received which had not been raised at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and advised that the registration process for RingGo was simple and required no extra effort on the part of users.  There had been a misunderstanding that there was a minimum charge of 50p for RingGo, however this was not the case.  There was a flat flee of 10p and optional text message notifications which cost 20p each.  He corrected the statement he had made at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and clarified that RingGo was in fact available at all car parks.  31 of the 78 car parks also had the facility to swipe a debit or credit card and this option would be added as machines were scheduled for refurbishment. 


The discounts proposed for electric and hybrid vehicles were not proposed to be permanent as at some point all cars would be electric and a discount would no longer be appropriate.  However it was intended to be an incentive to move towards climate friendly vehicles sooner rather than later.  It was also not considered to be appropriate for the Council to offer free electric vehicle charging points.  Appropriate signage would be installed for users of electric vehicles regarding the charges.  A question had been raised over whether the Council should be subsidising those who are able to afford expensive electric vehicles, however it was felt that this was an opportunity to take action to reduce the climate emergency, particularly as the Government had determined that no new fossil fuel cars would be sold after 2030.


Councillor Ward spoke on the item and asked whether reductions in payments for key workers would be considered.  In response, Councillor Palmer advised that this would be considered in more detail and come back to the Executive for consideration at a later stage as appropriate, in recognition of the role key workers play and their ability to pay parking charges in some locations.


The Leader thanked Councillors Gale and Baker for raising the issues in Milford, which would be dealt with through the amendment proposed by Councillor Palmer.


Councillor Mulliner spoke on the item, objecting to the proposal to give discounts to electric vehicles as the Council needed the income from the parking charges.  He also encouraged consideration of the installation of rapid charging in car parks.


In response the Leader felt that the proposed discount would make a difference, particularly to those like Godalming Town Council who had recently purchased an electric vehicle.  Councillor Williams echoed the comments and supported the greater incentivisation for electric than hybrid vehicles. 


Councillor Hyman spoke on the item, expressing concern that residents should not be given an increase greater than the rate of inflation every year and that poorer residents would have to walk further to park in an affordable car park and encouraged the Executive to consider not implementing a discount for electric vehicles until the costs of extending to all were known. 


The Leader concluded the debate and asked for a seconder for Councillor Palmer’s amendments, which were duly seconded by Councillor Townsend which were agreed by the Executive and it was




That the Executive note the report and recommend to Council that


I.             the proposed strategic tariff structure set out in Annexe C be approved.

II.            That in view of further information coming forward the proposed increases in charges at Station Lane Milford car park be deferred pending further discussion with ward and parish councillors and community representatives.

III.          That the proposed discounts for Ultra Low Emission and Electric Vehicles be as follows:

a.    Ultra-Low Emission Vehicles will attract a 25% discount on the standard parking charge only if the payment is made using the Ringo payment method.

b.    Electric Vehicles will attract a 50% discount on the standard parking charge only if the payment is made using the Ringo payment method.

IV.          Acknowledge the need to review the tariff structure on an annual basis to assess.

a. general patterns of use across car parks to assess whether the charging strategy has achieved its desired objectives and whether the tariff structures need to be modified

b. patterns of use in the Brightwell’s Yard car park and any changes required to charging regimes, (e.g., Evening and Sunday charges?)

c. the uptake of discounted charges for Ultra Low Emission (ULEV) and Zero Emission (ZEV) vehicles, its impact on income levels and whether the level of discount needs to change.

Reason: To ensure Waverley Borough Council’s (WBC)car parks.

·           meet the conflicting demands of different users,

·           maximise parking availability and meet consumer requirements in each of the four main settlements,

·           prioritise the needs of local residents and businesses over the demand stemming from commuters,

·           improve access to services and support for local economic vitality and vibrancy of town centres

·           contribute to the Carbon Neutrality Action Plan by encouraging a switch to low or zero emission vehicles and modal shift to more sustainable forms of transport; and

To ensure that income from parking charges is maintained at a level that ensures adequate off-street parking provision to deliver the above and contributes to the Medium-Term Financial Plan to ensure the full range of services to protect and enhance the environment in the borough can be supported.

Supporting documents: