Agenda item


To respond to any questions received from Members of the Council in accordance with Procedure Rule 11.2.


The deadline for receipt of questions is 5pm on Tuesday 27 July 2021.


Question from Councillor David Beaman:


“Wednesday 22nd September is designation World Car Free Day in which motorists should be encouraged to give up their cars for a day.  Given that Waverley Borough Council has declared a Climate Emergency what initiatives do Waverley Borough Council intend to take to encourage councillors, staff and residents to use alternative forms of transport (public transport, cycling and walking) where they are available on that day?


Since both Surrey County Council and Farnham Town Council have also declared a Climate Emergency I intend to ask a similar question at meetings of Surrey County Council’s Cabinet that is being held on Tuesday 20th July and Farnham Town Council’s full Council that is being held on Thursday 29th July.”



32.1       The following question had been received from Councillor David Beaman 


“Wednesday 22nd September is designation World Car Free Day in which motorists should be encouraged to give up their cars for a day.  Given that Waverley Borough Council has declared a Climate Emergency what initiatives do Waverley Borough Council intend to take to encourage councillors, staff and residents to use alternative forms of transport (public transport, cycling and walking) where they are available on that day? 


Since both Surrey County Council and Farnham Town Council have also declared a Climate Emergency, I intend to ask a similar question at meetings of Surrey County Council’s Cabinet that is being held on Tuesday 20th July and Farnham Town Council’s full Council that is being held on Thursday 29th July.” 


32.2     Councillor Steve Williams, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability gave the following response:


“In response to the question from Cllr Beaman, I would confirm that Waverley Borough Council will be promoting World Car Free Day by: 


·                     promoting the day on social media and through press releases, encouraging residents to leave the car at home and use alternative forms of transport as part of our drive to promote active and sustainable transport, consistent with our support for “Take the Jump”; 

·                     encouraging our own staff and councillors to avoid using cars on that day coming to work by alternative transport (if staff need to come into work at all) or work from home on 22nd September; 

·                     promoting the day in advance of 22nd September alerting residents to the event by means of posters in all Waverley car parksencouraging residents to leave the car at home and use alternative forms of transport on that day. 

·                     Publicising activities that can lead to longer term changes to travel choices such as Bikeability training, a public transport journey planning tool and a ‘walk your kid to school’ message.” ? 


32.2      The following question was received from Councillor Steve Cosser


''Residents in the Godalming area continue to be concerned about the lack of any communication from the Council about its intentions and proposals in respect of the land occupied by Broadwater Park Golf Club. Can I please be given an assurance that this matter will be brought back to an early full Council meeting for an update and consideration of future options and can I also be advised as to when the Council expect to be able to inform residents on this matter.'' 


32.3       Reply from Councillor Mark Merryweather, Portfolio Holder for Finance, Assets and Commercial Services


“The negotiation between the Council and Broadwater Golf Club regarding the future lease arrangements of Broadwater Park is ongoing. Until this process has concluded, this matter remains commercially sensitive and both parties are bound by the terms of a confidentiality agreement. As soon as an agreement has been reached in principle, the terms will be put before councillors for consideration. Councillor Cosser, Ward Members and the Chairman of Value for Money O&S Committee received an update from officers last week. All I can say in public is that we continue to work with the Golf Club to secure the best outcome for the site in the future.”?? 


Supporting documents: