Agenda item

EXE 6/21 LGBCE Boundary Review - Warding Pattern Submission

The Executive RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to full Council that Waverley makes a submission on future warding patterns to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England comprising Option 2 on Annexe 1 and illustrated in Annexe 2; plus the qualitative comments on warding issues as set out in Annexe 3.



22.1     The Leader of the Council introduced the report which set out the proposals of the Cross Party Working Group to inform the work of the Boundary Commission in their review of the warding patterns in the borough, based on the knowledge of local councillors.  With the Mayor’s consent, he invited the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Ward to speak to the item as the Chairman of the Working Group.


22.2     Councillor Ward advised that following a number of meetings, a broad consensus had been reached.  He stressed that the Boundary Commission’s timetable had not been altered by the Government in light of the pandemic.  A number of cases had been presented by officers and the working group sought as far as possible to avoid single member wards and retain two member wards in the four main towns in the borough and three member wards in the larger rural wards.  It was noted that the Boundary Commission was not obliged to follow the Council’s advice however it was hoped that it would inform their work.  Their final recommendations would be published in October for a further period of consultation before being submitted to Parliament for final approval.


22.3     Councillor Seaborne felt that some of the groupings did not make geographical sense and that there were some numerical differences in the projected figures, however acknowledged the work that had gone into the report and the challenges presented although did not feel able to support the recommendations.


22.4     Councillor Gray disagreed with a number of the geographical groupings and would not be supporting the recommendations.  Councillor Nicholson praised the piece of work and welcomed the recommendations.  Councillor Goodridge was concerned that three Members representing seven villages and five Parish Councils would be difficult to sustain and there would be a significant amount of travelling for eastern village Members and would not be able to support the recommendations.


22.5     Councillor Cockburn expressed concern over the proposals for wards in Farnham and felt that the proposals did not follow the natural boundaries.


22.6     The Leader of the Council thanked Councillors for their comments and echoed the comments made about the time which had been spent on this piece of work.  He stressed that remote working would enable Members to cover a larger geographical area going forward and noted that the Boundary Commission were not obliged to take the Council’s recommendations into account when making their final report.  The Leader requested a recorded vote in accordance with Procedure Rule 17.4 and the Council


RESOLVED that a submission on future warding patterns be made to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England comprising Option 2 on Annexe 1 and illustrated in Annexe 2; plus the qualitative comments on warding issues as set out in Annexe 3 of the report.


For (25)

Councillors Baker, Beaman, Clark, D’Arcy, Davidson, Dickson, Follows, Gale, Heagin, Hunt, Hyman, MacLeod, Michaela Martin, Merryweather, Mirylees, Neale, Nicholson, Palmer, Paul Rivers, Penny Rivers, Mr Mayor Councillor Robini, Townsend, Mr Deputy Mayor Councillor Ward, Wicks and Williams.


Against (5)

Councillors David Else, Foryszewski, Gray, Isherwood and James,


Abstentions (10)

Councillor Cockburn, Cosser, Deanus, Dear, Ellis, Jenny Else, Goodridge, Mulliner, Sadler and Seaborne.


Supporting documents: