Agenda item

Leader's and Portfolio Holders' Updates


The Leader and Portfolio Holders gave brief updates on current issues not reported elsewhere on the agenda:

·         The Leader welcomed Councillors Penny Marriott and Mirylees to their first Executive meeting; and the new Leader of the Conservative Group Councillor Mulliner.

·         The Leader had been holding 1:1 meetings with Portfolio Holders to review portfolios and a revised list of portfolio descriptions would be issued at the conclusion of that process to address any discrepancies which had arisen over the past two years.

·         It had been hoped to hold a full Council meeting in the Council Chamber on 6 July 2021, however due to the extension of Covid restrictions beyond 21 June 2021, it had become necessary to identify an alternative venue which would enable all Councillors to participate in the meeting.

·         Due to the Government ending the provisions allowing remote participation in Council meetings, although Councillor Williams was present on the zoom call, he was not legally allowed to speak and vote in the meeting.  The Council had submitted its comments to the Government consultation on remote meetings.

·         Councillor Clark provided an update on the replacement of the pool cars which would be electric, to contribute to the Council’s Carbon Reduction Strategy.  The Council’s new Horizon planning system was now fully operational and contributing to the planning improvement plan.  A new Cyber Security Manager had been recruited.

·         Councillor MacLeod advised that the planning improvement plan would result in an improved service to residents and applicants.  A planning appeal against the decision of the Council to refuse an application for a development of 140 homes in Lower Weybourne Lane had been refused by the Planning Inspectorate, who had supported the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan.  However the Planning Inspectorate had commented on the Council’s 5 year housing supply, which could have an adverse effect on future planning applications.

·         Councillor Penny Marriott welcomed the introduction of the new portfolio and advised that she had been carrying out research and would provide further updates to the next meeting, including on training which was being arranged for all councillors.

·         Councillor Palmer advised that councillors had received a consultation on the review of parking charges for their comments.  The CIL working group had completed its first year of activity and thanked all those involved.

·         Councillor Rosoman advised that the modular housing had been delivered to Badgers Close and there would be a photocall upon completion.  A planning application for 12 new homes in Crossway Close in Churt had been submitted and ward members in the parish would be kept informed.  Planning permission has been secured for all five sites in Chiddingfold and housing officers were liaising with all affected residents.  Five properties in Ockford Ridge had been identified for refurbishment and investigations were being carried out in respect of energy efficiency measures.  The numbers of complaints in repairs and maintenance had been reducing.  The Housing Strategy work was continuing and the new design build would be brought forward to the Executive and Council for consideration, and thanked the working group for its work on this to date.

·         Councillor Townsend advised that there had been a large number of visitors to Frensham Pond which had generated a number of issues with parking, littering and abuse of staff.  The stakeholder group had already met and the police were involved.  Additional enforcement measures were being explored.  The Economic Development Action Plan in progress and work was being carried out with the leisure and film industry.