Agenda item

Options for collaboration with Guildford Borough Council

2.1       It is recommended that the Executive consider this report and the attached Annexes and, on the strength of the LGA report and the risk appraisal:


·         Recommend to Council one or more of the options in paragraph 4.10, or

·         Recommend to Council an alternative option, or

·         Agree to cease this collaboration project at this time.


2.2       In the case of the third possibility, a recommendation will not be required to Council.





1.    Ask South East Employers to provide, in time for the publication of the 6th of July Council Agenda Papers, additional data in respect of the potential financial implications of appointing a single joint Chief Executive (acting as Head of Paid Service for both Waverley and Guildford Borough Councils) and advice on cost-sharing arrangements;


And, subject to the receipt of financial and cost-sharing data and advice from South East Employers and any advice issued by the Council’s Chief Finance Officer, or his appointed deputy, relating to the level of approval required, how any costs would be funded and the appropriateness of any cost-sharing agreement, RECOMMEND to full Council that:


2.    Full Council pursues the option of creating a single management team, comprised of statutory officers (Head of Paid Service; Chief Finance Officer; Monitoring Officer), directors and heads of service as the most appropriate means for bringing forward business cases for future collaboration; and


3.    Full Council asks the Council’s HR Manager to take the necessary action, in consultation with Guildford Borough Council and with the support and advice from South East Employers and as set out within the addendum to annexe 3 of this report, to make arrangements for a recruitment and selection of a single joint Chief Executive (acting as Head of Paid Service for both Waverley and Guildford Borough Councils), including making arrangements for a senior officer recruitment panel (to include the Leader of the Principal Opposition Group and the Council Leader), so that a report may be brought to a future meeting of Full Council recommending the appointment of a suitable candidate.


[This matter is recommended to Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure.]



The Leader of the Council introduced the item which provided an update on the development of the initial options appraisal by the Local Government Association/Local Partnerships (LGA) and sought direction on the next steps for collaboration with Guildford Borough Council.  He emphasised the risk on inaction in light of the financial pressures faced by the Council and that alternative savings would need to be identified if the Council opted not to collaborate with Guildford.  He also highlighted the benefits including improvements to public services which could come from collaborative working.  


Councillors Stephen Mulliner spoke on this item, requesting clarity on the potential savings to be made from and any costs of a collaboration.  He asked that the draft Inter Authority Agreement be shared with all Councillors at the earliest opportunity to reassure those with concerns that the proposals would work.


Councillor Hyman spoke on this item, echoing the comments made previously and expressing concern whether the savings identified would be sufficient to address the financial challenges of the council.  He also requested that both parties agree to a duty of candour and this be written into the Inter Authority Agreement.


Councillor Merryweather spoke on the item, highlighting that the savings proposed would be the largest single contributor to closing the Council’s budget gap and did not prevent the Council identifying further savings independently of any collaboration agreement.


The Leader proposed a refined recommendation which proposed the recruitment of a single chief executive subject to the receipt of further information on the financial implications of appointing a single joint chief executive and advised that the recruitment process would include the Leader of the Principle Opposition group of both Councils.  Councillor Townsend spoke on the item, endorsing the request for additional information.


Members noted that the matter would also be discussed at a specially convened meeting of the Value for Money Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 29 June 2021 prior to consideration at the Council meeting on 6 July 2021.


The Executive RESOLVED to


1.    Ask South East Employers to provide, in time for the publication of the 6th of July Council Agenda Papers, additional data in respect of the potential financial implications of appointing a single joint Chief Executive (acting as Head of Paid Service for both Waverley and Guildford Borough Councils) and advice on cost-sharing arrangements;


And, subject to the receipt of financial and cost-sharing data and advice from South East Employers and any advice issued by the Council’s Chief Finance Officer, or his appointed deputy, relating to the level of approval required, how any costs would be funded and the appropriateness of any cost-sharing agreement, RECOMMEND to full Council that:


2.    Full Council pursues the option of creating a single management team, comprised of statutory officers (Head of Paid Service; Chief Finance Officer; Monitoring Officer), directors and heads of service as the most appropriate means for bringing forward business cases for future collaboration; and


3.    Full Council asks the Council’s HR Manager to take the necessary action, in consultation with Guildford Borough Council and with the support and advice from South East Employers and as set out within the addendum to annexe 3 of this report, to make arrangements for a recruitment and selection of a single joint Chief Executive (acting as Head of Paid Service for both Waverley and Guildford Borough Councils), including making arrangements for a senior officer recruitment panel (to include the Leader of the Principal Opposition Group and the Council Leader), so that a report may be brought to a future meeting of Full Council recommending the appointment of a suitable candidate.


Reason: To seek direction on the next steps for collaboration with Guildford Borough Council or to close this project for the immediate future.


All members of the Senior Management Team left the meeting for the consideration of this item.

Supporting documents: