Agenda item


To consider any additional KPI’s the Committee would like reported on or changes to existing KPI’s relating to this committee’s remit of Housing Delivery and Housing Operations.  Please refer to the report attached to agenda item 7.


The Policy and Performance Officer will lead on this item


There were currently no new indicators for Housing Delivery and Communities although there might be some in the new Housing Strategy.  There were some new indicators proposed and some changes to the targets for Housing Operations:


HO1 - rent arrears as a percentage of total established gross debit.  It was proposed to change this target from 0.7% to 1%.

HO4 – average number of days to complete a repair.

-       Average number of days to complete a repair

HO5 – Percentage of jobs not completed within 28 days


There was a discussion around whether the target for HO1 should be increased, with some of the Committee being unhappy with making a target easier to achieve.  It was stated that nationally the average rent arrears were 3.68%.  The Head of Housing Operations stated that with an increase in Universal Credit claims the service may not return to pre COVID 19 collection rates.  Universal Credit payments take longer to reach peoples’ accounts, rent arrears were going to be higher going forward.


There was a further discussion around the first part of indicator HO5 which was “Was the repair completed right first time?”.  Some of the Committee felt this was too vague.  The Head of Housing Operations said that the definition of first time was from the tenant’s point of view.  The Chief Executive suggested making the definition slightly longer and clearer regarding what was being measured.


The Service Improvement Manager stated that they would reinstate the independent survey of tenants regarding their experience of responsive repairs when a new contractor starts.


It was suggested regarding HD4 that the indicator should show the number of affordable homes delivered by Waverley and those delivered by others separately.  The Housing Strategy and Enabling Manager said this was already recorded so the information could be given to the Committee.


The Chairman wanted to see an indicator on energy efficiency and the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in Waverley’s properties.






Housing Delivery and Communities (Housing Delivery only) – The Committee agreed to no changes to indicators HD1 (NI), HD2, HD3. The Committee suggested a split of the indicator HD4 to sub indicators showing exact numbers of affordable homes delivered by Waverley Borough Council and those delivered by other providers. The officers accepted the suggestions and new indicators HD4a (WBC) and HD4b (other providers) will be introduced from Q1 2021/22.


Housing Operations – The Committee agreed to no changes to indicators HO2, HO3, HO6 and to endorse a change of target for the HO1 from 0.7% to 1%. The officers also proposed introduction of two new interim indicators to replace existing indicators HO4 (rate of the service received) and HO5 (repair completed right first time), and these are HO4b (average number of days to complete the repair) and HO5b (% of jobs not completed within 28 days). The Committee endorsed the introduction of these new indicators from Q1 2021/22.


HO5 would be re-worded to provide more clarity


The Asset Management Strategy would include new indicator(s) to measure energy efficiency and reductions in emissions