Agenda item


To scrutinise the outcomes and priorities of the Safer Waverley Partnership.


Helen Milton, Chair of the Safer Waverley Partnership, attended the meeting along with Superintendent Tom Budd and Inspector Sam Adcock and other members of the partnership.


Helen gave an overview of the Partnership and the areas of work they were currently focussing on. She explained that   the partnership was well represented by a number of statutory partners.


The committee were advised the Partnership currently had three over-arching priorities highlighted in the action plan along with a number of sub priorities under them.


Superintendent Tom Budd then gave the committee an overview of the partnership mechanisms used to discuss and action these priorities such as the Joint Action Group (JAG), CHaRMM (Community Harm and Risk Management Meeting) and SOC (Serious Organised Crime) Group.


The committee then commented upon the reports presented and any issues they wished to raise.


·         The Committee felt there was not enough communication with the town and parish councils and councillors about issues within their area.  There was not enough engagement, police presence or attendance at town and parish meetings. It was felt it was important to have liaison with ward members who have specific knowledge about their areas.

o   The committee were advised that a communications protocol was being developed to address this issue.

o   Superintendent Budd explained that it was a key priority to improve communication channels.

o   Inspector Adcock advised that the number of officers for Waverley had increase from 2 to four so there was now one officer per area. The team would be relaunching their video to introduce the team.

·         Rural Crime – Concern was raised regarding the way rural crime was being categorised and the understanding officers have of what rural crime is.

o   Superintendent Budd agreed that this had been an area of concern and needs to be improved, This issue was now being reviewed and PCSO Boxall had been allocated as the designated rural crime officer.

·         Scams and Cyber Crime -  the committee raised concern that the action plan did not mention financial fraud.

o   Helen Milton explained that Trading Standards were looking at these issues so she would ensure this was raised at the next partnership meeting as an item for discussion.

o   Insp Sam Adcock advised that there were a number of leaflets available at the police offices in The Burys that councillors could hand out to residents if they wished. 

·         JET (Joint Enforcement Team) – It was raised that there had not been an update received from this group for about two years.

o   Andrew Smith advised that he believed they were now called Joint Enforcement Initiative and he would raise this with Annie Righton, Strategic Director.

·         Cllr Deanus, Chairman of the Community Wellbeing O&S, asked if the Mental Health Team were attending the CHaRMM regularly as it had been reported last year that they were not.

o   Andrew Smith advised that as Chair of CHaRMM he could confirm they were.

·         The committee felt the Partnership Action Plan was lacking in SMART measures and needed to be more specific.

·         The committee asked how the Partnership engaged with young people?  Katrina Burns outlined the various events and initiatives the various partners carried out.  The Committee urged the partnership to engage as a whole rather than in silo’s.

·         The committee were pleased to see inconsiderate parking in the plan.


The committee NOTED the report and action plan and asked that their comments be noted.

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