Agenda item

Review of virtual meetings arrangements

On 9 June 2020, the Council adopted Virtual Meeting Procedure Rules in line with the Regulations for remote attendance at meetings which came into effect on 4 April 2020. At its meeting on 21 May 2020, the Standards Committee agreed to review the experience of holding virtual committee meetings with remote attendance by Members and Officers, and to make recommendations on changes to the Virtual Meeting Procedure Rules, if necessary, in the light of experience.  The Standards  Committee also agreed to review the temporary arrangements for the planning committees, introduced to simplify the committee arrangements whilst holding virtual meetings.




The Standards Committee recommends to Council that, in view of the latest Government guidance on use of council buildings and general tightening of Covid-19 precautions until March 2021, the current arrangements for the EASTERN and WESTERN Planning Committees continue to the end of the council year on 7 May 2021.


61.1     Cllr John Robini, Chairman of the Standards Committee, moved the recommendation that, in view of the latest guidance on use of council buildings and general tightening of Covid-19 precautions until March 2021, the current arrangements for the Eastern and Western Planning Committees continue to the end of the council year on 7 May 2021.


61.2     Cllr David Beaman made a statement in his capacity as Chairman of the Western Planning Committee, to correct what he felt were inaccurate and misleading statements made by Cllr Hyman as a member of the Standards Committee at the meeting on 5 October. Cllr Beaman had attended the Standards Committee meeting on 5 October to comment on his experience as chairman of the Western Planning Committee:


“The debate included discussion of the use of break out rooms in meetings of Planning Committees to draft alternative recommendations when Committees do not support the recommendations of WBC Planning officers. During this debate Cllr Jerry Hyman made statements which I consider to be both inaccurate and misleading. Since these are formally recorded on the webcast I would like to use this opportunity to correct the record.


When debating a protocol for the use of break out rooms Cllr Hyman requested that any protocol needed to be brought back to The Standards Committee for agreement stating “I don’t think that the Chairmen will particularly care if it is lawful or proper what is done there going by what they have done so far”. When Cllr John Robini as Chair of The Standards Committee (and also Vice Chair of the Western Area Planning Committee) responded that he had faith in the two Planning Committee Chairmen (myself and Cllr Richard Cole) Cllr Hyman stated “History proves otherwise, History proves otherwise We represent the residents”. (Minutes 63 to 65 of the webcast).


Not being a member of The Standards Committee I was unable to correct this misrepresentation at the time but as Chair of the Western Area Planning Committee I am very concerned that Cllr Hyman knowingly made statements that totally misrepresent my views and opinions on the use of break out rooms.


I can assure everybody (Councillors, Officers Residents) that I personally do not regard the use of break out rooms as being proper. I made my views and opinions quite clear at the only meeting of The Western Area Planning Committee held on Tuesday 1st September at which an attempt was made to use a break out room at the request of Planning Officers regarding WA/2020/0784 which ended in a technical breakdown that I did not personally believe that break out rooms should ever be used. I also gave a personal undertaking that so long as I remained Chair break out rooms would never again be used at meetings of the Western Area Planning Committee. Cllr Hyman was present at this meeting as an observer and did personally intervene (even though being only an observer he had no right to do so).


I believe that Cllr Hyman, who is always so emphatic that the truth should always be told knowingly made totally inaccurate statements which misrepresents my own stated views and opinions made in public at which Cllr Hyman was present regarding the use of break out rooms at virtual meetings of Planning Committees.”



61.3     Cllr Hyman advised that he would respond to Cllr Beaman privately.


61.4     Cllr Foryszewski expressed disappointment that the council was not leading by example in trying to resume more normal arrangements for committee meetings. Cllr Follows felt that the reality of the current circumstances was that this was unlikely to be possible to return to meeting in the Council Chamber in the near future in any safe way. He also felt that the model of two planning committees had worked well, and this was supported by a number of Members.


61.5     Council RESOLVED to continue the current arrangements for the EASTERN and WESTERN Planning Committees to the end of the council year on 7 May 2021, with all in favour except Cllr Foryszewski who voted against.

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