Agenda item




To consider an application for a variation to the Premises Licence  of The Charterhouse Arms, Deanery Road, Godalming, Surrey GU7 2PQ under section 34 of the Licensing Act 2003,  on behalf of Punch Partnership (PTL) Limited. Three ‘relevant representations’ have been received from ‘other persons’.




1.         It is recommended that the Sub-Committee considers the application and evidence of all parties involved at the hearing and then determines the steps it considers appropriate to promote the licensing objectives.


2.         Members must determine the application in accordance with the Licensing Act 2003 (Hearings) Regulations 2005.


3.         The Sub-Committee should take such steps (as described at 13 above) as it considers appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives.


4.         Once determined, the licensing authority must provide notification of the decision including its reasons to the applicant, any person who has made relevant representations and the Chief Officer of Police for the area in which the premises is situated.



The Sub-Committee considered an application to vary the Premises Licence of The Charterhouse Arms, Deanery Road, Godalming to incorporate an external servery within the licensed premises, as shown on drawings and plans accompanying the application.


The following were present at the hearing:


Paul Hughes, Waverley Borough Council Licensing Manager

Daniel Bainbridge, Borough Solicitor

Karen Cochrane, Solicitor, acting for the applicant, Punch Taverns

Ian Dawson, Tenant Landlord at The Charterhouse Arms

Laura Oliver, Objector


The applicant confirmed that the variation requested would enable drinks to be served from the external servery to customers seated outside. This would help reduce congestion in the bar area and aid customers in social distancing while on the premises. The proposed extension of the sales area to include the car park and garden was to allow for the occasional use of a mobile bar for special events.


The objector, Mrs Oliver, made representations to the Sub-Committee reflecting the character of the neighbourhood generally and contrast with the customers of the pub, the displacement parking caused by the pub car park being closed, increased motorbike traffic noise, and rude security staff. She voiced concerns at the intensification of the use of the external area of the pub by allowing the sale of alcohol outside.


The Sub-Committee noted that no objections had been received from responsible authorities, environmental health, or the Police in respect of the application.


At 10:43am, the Sub-Committee withdrew to consider their decision. The Sub-Committee re-convened at 11am.


The Sub-Committee RESOLVED to grant a variation to the Premises Licence to extend the licensed area to include the external servery area, as shown on the amended plan, but excluding the whole of the external premises.


The Sub-Committee noted that the concerns expressed by the Objector were not directly relevant to the licensing objectives, nor attributable to the licensed premises itself. However, the Sub-Committee encouraged the landlord to engage with his neighbours and to listen to their concerns.



Supporting documents: