Agenda item

Service Level Agreements, 2020-2021 - Variation in funding to some partner organisations

The purpose of this report is to seek approval for the possible variation of Service Level Agreement (SLA) funding to some of the 12 funded voluntary sector partner organisations supported under this arrangement. This is for the second half of the final year of their 3-year funding arrangements, 1 October 2020 to 31 March 2021, as a result of the impact of COVID-19 on their operations. 




It is recommended that the Executive notes the impact of COVID-19 on the funded organisations and approves the propsoed changes in changes in funding for the final half of this year, 1 October 2020 to 31 March 2021, as set out in the Exempt Annexe.


32.1     Cllr David Beaman, Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing and Culture, introduced the report proposing a variation to the funding of some of the twelve voluntary sector organisations funded under Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with Waverley for the second half of 2020/21, which was the third and final year of the current SLA.


32.2     Before the Covid pandemic, the Council’s financial position had been under severe pressure, but funding for voluntary organisations had been maintained, particularly for those who provided essential services for elderly and vulnerable in the borough. As the Covid pandemic emerged, these organisations adapted their services to support their clients, the huge increase in the number of community meals provided by the day centres being just one example. On behalf of Waverley Borough Council, Cllr Beaman thanked all those involved, and particularly the volunteers, for their work to support those in need.


32.3     All the SLA funded organisations had received their first tranche of funding in April at the start of the financial year. Waverley officers had formally advised and discussed with all organisations that there could be implications for the second tranche of funding due 1 October depending on the impact on services, and what services had continued to be delivered. Some organisations had closed and furloughed staff; some had changed their services and incurred additional costs in doing so; many had received small business grants from the government. The recommended funding for the second half of the year was being maintained overall, but there was a redistribution of the funds proposed to reflect the way in which organisations had responded to the Covid pandemic to deliver services to vulnerable and elderly residents in the borough.


32.4     Cllr John Robini thanked all the volunteers for their hard work in maintaining services and community meals for the most vulnerable. Waverley had been supporting voluntary organisations through SLAs for many years, and he was clear that these needed looking at for the future to ensure that they were fair and rewarded those who helped themselves and guided others to be more proactive in fundraising and other endeavours. He supported the recommendations of the Executive, and looked forward to resuming the Overview & Scrutiny review which was looking for a sustainable approach.


32.5     Cllr Maxine Gale and Cllr Christine Baker both spoke in support of The Clockhouse at Milford, who felt that the recommended changes to funding could be seen as punitive and discouraging to the volunteers. They felt that there could have been more communication with The Clockhouse, and with Ward Members; and more prior notice of the recommendations. They asked that the recommendation in relation to The Clockhouse be deferred in order to allow more time for discussion with the organisation.


32.6     Cllr Julia Potts thanked the Leader and Portfolio Holder for their time in explaining the background to the report. On behalf of the Conservative Group Cllr Potts acknowledged the hard work of all voluntary organisations across the borough in such difficult times; many had gone above and beyond expectations, and some, through no fault of their own, had been more restricted. The Conservative Group supported in principle the recommendations set out in the report; but there were concerns about one organisation and Cllr Potts asked that the council continued to work closely with them, and not to close the door on them. Cllr Jerry Hyman recognised that this was a complex situation and with a fixed amount of money available there would be winners and losers, and he felt that some scrutiny by Overview & Scrutiny would have been helpful.


32.7     In response to Members’ comments, Cllr Paul Follows reflected on the issues raised by Cllrs Gale and Baker about one organisation in particular. He also believed that local government should have enough money to be able to run these services outright. But this wasn’t possible and there were constraints on what the council could provide, based on a limited amount of money and recognising that some organisations had incurred costs where others had not. He stressed that the council relationship with SLA organisations was not just financial, and funding decisions were made with some knowledge of the potential consequences. Having seen the accounts of the organisation concerned, he did not believe that financially there would be a significant impact and the consequences could be contained.


32.8     Cllr Follows had noted the comments about relationships and communication with Ward councillors and Waverley representatives on organisations, and this would be addressed going forward, with information being shared transparently and Members trusted to keep confidences where necessary. It was also clearly necessary for relationships to be re-built between the organisation concerned, officers, Portfolio Holder, Ward members and Waverley representative, and he would be part of that process. Finally, Cllr Follows emphasised that the recommendations were in relation to funding for the second half of 2020/21, and there would be a full and proper SLA review which would be done with full participation of Ward Members and Waverley representatives.


32.9     The Leader apologised to the Milford ward councillors for the failure to keep them informed, and assured Members that going forward Ward Members would be included in discussions on all matters happening in their Wards.


32.10   The Executive RESOLVED to note the impact of COVID-19 on the SLA- funded organisations and to approve the proposed changes in funding for the final half of this year, 1 October 2020 to 31 March 2021, as set out in the Exempt Annexe.


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