Agenda item


To consider the performance report and make any observations or recommendations as appropriate.


Housing Development


Andrew Smith, Head of Housing Delivery and Communities, outlined the areas of the report that he felt would be of interest to the Committee:


·         Homelessness – report later in agenda.

·         Housing Delivery – Site A Ockford Ridge, delivered only 3 weeks late despite the Covid-19 lockdown.

·         142 Affordable homes were delivered over the 2019/20 year.


It was suggested that the issue of viability should be included in the Draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document, particularly as some developers may be struggling after Covid-19.  The Committee were assured this was being considered.


The Committee asked what impact the pandemic had had on housing delivery this quarter and going forward.  They were informed that at present there is no indication of any impact.


The Chairman asked Officers to indicate the level of grant needed to move a property from affordable rented to the social rented bracket and to explain what policy is supporting the decision when the Council decides to do that. Andrew Smith advised it depended on the size of the property but affordable rent was usually 80% of market and social rent could be 50% so that gave an idea of uplift required. The Committee was advised that the Council was hoping to set its own ‘Waverley’ rent based on conversations with the Town and Country Planning Association and hoped to be taking this through the Committee when formulated.


The Chairman asked for an update on the completion of the Key Housing Conditions Survey.  Andrew Smith advised this had been quoted at a cost of £40k to complete so would be going to Management Board for funding and approval. The team was hoping to start the work in the New Year.


Housing Operations


Annalisa Howson, Housing Service Improvement Manager, outlined the areas of the report that she felt the Committee should note.


·         New housing team launched, who attended the tenants panel open meeting.

·         Launched the new responsive repairs contract.

·         The Housing Customer Service Team were the star team over the lockdown mobilising to help tenants.

·         New repairs contract had a small impact on re-let times. Despite this, and the lockdown, the contractors were scheduling appointments to catch up as soon as possible.

·         There had been a slight reduction in the number of complaints in Q4. The Committee was advised that staff had been spoken to about improving targets.


The Committee asked if the interim contractor for housing maintenance was able to cope with the reduced demand as a result of COVID19 and were reassured that the contractor had furloughed some of their staff and managed their costs that way.


The Committee asked if the complaints performance was likely to have been impacted by COVID19, given that the last two weeks of the quarter were the first two weeks of lock down. Officers advised that such a short period was unlikely to have a significant effect and they did not have the data for Q1 2020/21 yet.


The Committee asked if kitchen and bathroom replacements had been suspended?  They were advised they were suspended during lockdown but that the program was now being reviewed as lockdown is eased.


Officers were asked if there had been issues with the number of tenants paying the rent during lockdown?  They were advised that the main issue was the mechanism for paying rather than affordability.  Tenants had been advised regarding online banking etc.  Those who were having affordability issues had been supported and advised accordingly.


The Committee CONGRATULATED the Housing Teams on their hard work over the lockdown period supporting tenants.


It was noted there was a £756K underspend on the accounts for repairs.  Hugh Wagstaff, Head of Housing Operations, advised this was due to having a substantial budget allocated for the new contractor which was then not used due to the volume of work decreasing over lockdown.



·         The review of the Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document  should consider climate change aspects and viability.

·         The majority of Committee members endorse any future request for funding the Housing Stock Condition Survey, recognising the need to understand the level of issues so appropriate steps can be taken.


The Committee ENDORSED the request from the Housing Team for budget spend to understand what is needed to bring Waverley’s homes up to a satisfactory level in relation to Carbon efficiency.

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