Agenda item

Budget Management Report

The report provides a projection of the expenditure and income position for the 2014/15 Budget compared with the approved budget for the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account.  The projection is based on the position to date.




It is recommended that the Executive notes the report and gives approval to


1.         a virement of £50,000 from additional Planning Income to cover temporary Staff required to assist with planning applications (detailed in paragraph 2.4);


2.         £15,000 additional expenditure on Tree Safety Works to be met from the overall revenue underspend (detailed in paragraph 2.5);


3.         £15,000 expenditure on replacement ovens at day centres to be met from the overall capital underspend (detailed in paragraph 3.5);


4.         £5,000 expenditure on the Address Resolution Project to be met from the underspend on the Contaminated Land revenue project (detailed in paragraph 3.6); and


5.         £20,000 extra expenditure on the Signage Project to be met from the capital underspend (detailed in paragraph 3.7); and


6.         rescheduling of capital works within the HRA from 2014/15 to 2015/16, as detailed at paragraph 4.7.


7.         approval of works exceeding £5,000 to void properties within the HRA capital programme as listed at (Exempt) Annexe 9.



The Executive noted the report and has given approval to


1.         a virement of £50,000 from additional Planning Income to cover temporary Staff required to assist with planning applications (detailed in paragraph 2.4);


2.         £15,000 additional expenditure on Tree Safety Works to be met from the overall revenue underspend (detailed in paragraph 2.5);


3.         £15,000 expenditure on replacement ovens at day centres to be met from the overall capital underspend (detailed in paragraph 3.5);


4.         £5,000 expenditure on the Address Resolution Project to be met from the underspend on the Contaminated Land revenue project (detailed in paragraph 3.6); and


5.         £20,000 extra expenditure on the Signage Project to be met from the capital underspend (detailed in paragraph 3.7);


6.         rescheduling of capital works within the HRA from 2014/15 to 2015/16, as detailed at paragraph 4.7.


7.         approval of works exceeding £5,000 to void properties within the HRA capital programme as listed at (Exempt) Annexe 9.




[Reason: To consider a projection of the expenditure and income position for the 2014/15 budget compared with the approved budget]




RESOLVED that the report be noted and approval given to


1.         a virement of £50,000 from additional Planning Income to cover temporary Staff required to assist with planning applications (detailed in paragraph 2.4);


2.         £15,000 additional expenditure on Tree Safety Works to be met from the overall revenue underspend (detailed in paragraph 2.5);


3.         £15,000 expenditure on replacement ovens at day centres to be met from the overall capital underspend (detailed in paragraph 3.5);


4.         £5,000 expenditure on the Address Resolution Project to be met from the underspend on the Contaminated Land revenue project (detailed in paragraph 3.6); and


5.         £20,000 extra expenditure on the Signage Project to be met from the capital underspend (detailed in paragraph 3.7);


6.         rescheduling of capital works within the HRA from 2014/15 to 2015/16, as detailed at paragraph 4.7; and


7.         works exceeding £5,000 to void properties within the HRA capital programme as listed at (Exempt) Annexe 9.


[Reason: To consider a projection of the expenditure and income position for the 2014/15 budget compared with the approved budget]



Supporting documents: