Agenda item

Service Plans 2020 - 2023 (3 year rolling plans)

The Service Plans have been prepared by Heads of Service in collaboration with their teams and Portfolio Holders to set out the service objectives for the coming three years in line with the Corporate Strategy 2019-2023 and the Medium Term Financial Plan 2020-2023.




It is recommended that the Executive:


a)    considers the comments and recommendations passed on by the Overview & Scrutiny Committees as listed in section 6 “Consultation and Engagement” of this report and,


b)    approves the final Service Plans 2020-23 proposals as set out at Annexe 1, for their implementation from 1 April 2020.


64.1    The Leader presented the Service Plans for 2020-2023, which had been prepared by Heads of Service in collaboration with their teams and Portfolio Holders to set out the service objectives for the coming three years in line with the Corporate Strategy 2019-23 and the Medium Term Financial Plan 2020-2023. Each of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees had considered the Service Plans within their remit and their comments had been addressed within the Service Plans where this was appropriate.


64.2    Having considered the comments and recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees, the Executive RESOLVED to approve the final Service Plans 2020-23 as set out at Annexe 1, for implementation from 1 April 2020.


Reason: Service Plans form an important part of the Council’s performance management framework, setting out the business priorities for each service for the coming three years, and how they will help to deliver the Council’s priorities.

Supporting documents: