Agenda item

Service plans

This report presents the three-year rolling Service Plans for April 2020 to March 2023 for the service areas under the remit of this Committee, which are:

·         Commercial Services Service Plan 2020-23 (except for Building Control and Green Spaces)

·         Communities only from Housing Delivery & Communities Service Plan 2020-23

·         Licensing only from Environment Service Plan 2020-23




It is recommended that the Community Wellbeing Overview & Scrutiny Committee considers the Service Plans for 2020-23 as set out at Annexe 1, and makes any observations or comments to the Executive.



The Committee was presented with the service plans covering the period between 2020-2023. The Service Plans had been prepared by Heads of Service in collaboration with their teams and Portfolio Holders to set out the service objectives for the coming three years in line with the new Corporate Strategy 2019-2023 and the Medium Term Financial Plan 2020-2023.


It was noted that last year the Council reviewed its approach to service planning, changing them from annual plans, to three yearly rolling plans. This approach allowed not only for an easier alignment with the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP), but also a better transparency on delivery of multi-year projects and other initiatives.


The Service Plans specific to Community Wellbeing O&S were as follows:

·         Commercial Services Service Plan (except for Building Control and

Green Spaces)

·         Communities only from Housing Delivery & Communities Service Plan

·         Licensing only from Environment Service Plan


Councillor Steve Cosser was concerned about going into detail of the service plans without a budget agreed. Louise Norie, the Corporate Policy Manager advised that the Service Plans had been prepared in line with the budget process but there were always things that could come up last minute that might change things.


Kelvin Mills, the Head of Service for Communities and Special Projects gave a brief overview of his service area. They were aiming to expand and enhance Careline, achieve a rating of outstanding for Waverley Training Services which was an ambitious target, move forward with a leisure investment programme Farnham being the first then looking at Godalming and Cranleigh which had more complex issues to resolve. They were aiming to review the Taxi and Private Hire Policy and by 2030 wanted all operating vehicles to be ultra low emission.


Councillor Val Henry asked about progress with the proposals for Cranleigh Leisure Centre. Kelvin advised that they had some prices for the works but they were higher than expected. They would be working with the Parish Council and Places Leisure to discuss the way forward. They would have options for the Executive soon and he would keep advised.


Councillor Stephen Cosser commented on the Cultural Strategy and that there was so much being done in Farnham and Cranleigh but not across all four areas of the Borough. Godalming Staycation though had been very successful. Charlotte Hall, the Community Development Officer, agreed that this was a fair point and they had worked more in the more central cultural centres. She had been looking at other avenues to deliver programmes such as touring theatres to more rural locations as well as projects for older people and this was detailed in, and would be focused on in the Action Plan coming forward.


Councillor Kika Mirylees asked about the number of projects delivered outside of the main hubs. Kelvin advised that the Farnham Maltings was doing outreach work and he could share what work was being done. Cllr Mirylees felt that more should be done rurally. Charlotte advised that they were writing to all Towns and Parishes and there was a willingness just it was difficult to resource it all.


Councillor Kika Mirylees asked about what was happening with the Farnham Museum. Kelvin advised that they were exploring options for the management to take forward whilst keeping the museum in operation. This was a live project that they would keep members updated with. Councillor John Robini commented on Haslemere Museum being self funding and was a model that could be used elsewhere.


Councillor Jenny Else thanked Charlotte for her hard work with implementing cultural activities but recognised that Councillors needed to take some responsibility for smaller villages. Charlotte advised that she would like to meet with Councillors to set up locally based meetings to address culture and local challenges and what would work in their communities.


Councillor Kevin Deanus felt that the comment in relation to Careline and financial targets was not appropriate and lacked a human element. It was also slightly too business like and the people were the most important. They needed to decide whether it was a business to make money or a service for the community and the wording should reflect this. He thanked the officers for their hard work and recognised it was challenging times and they would like to do more if they had the money to do it. A question was asked whether there was any threat to the future of Careline with the more wider use of Alexa. Concerns were noted although they delivered a different type of service but this was something they would need to keep in mind.  


Andrew Smith, the Head of Strategic Housing and Delivery, gave an outline of the Housing Delivery and Communities service plan. He advised that a lot of work was being carried out across teams around the ageing well strategy and action plan and disabled facilities grant. A lot of work tied into the service level agreements which a review was currently being undertaken of. Representatives from the Safer Waverley Partnership would be coming to an all Member briefing on 28 January and this would include information on safeguarding.


Katie Webb, the Community Service Manager advised that there had been a lot of changes with the Integrated Care Partnership. They were commencing a new project called  Reconnections which was aimed at reducing loneliness and isolation. There was only so much the Council could do and they wanted GPs to work more with them. Cllr Robini asked if people knew what work they were doing and was concerned regarding communications. It was felt that there needed to be a briefing on the changes and for the portfolio holder to consider the issues raised around health and wellbeing and how work being done was communicated. Katie concurred but commented that they could only take responsibility for what they should communicate.


The Committee thanked officers for the Services Plans for 2020-2023 and recommended them to the Executive for approval.

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