Agenda item

APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION - WA/2019/1171 - Land Centred Coordinates 485710 148770 On West Side Of Green Lane, Badshot Lea

Approval of reserved matters: layout, scale, appearance and landscaping following outline permission granted under WA/2015/2283 for the erection of up to 105 dwellings (including 32 affordable) together with associated works (as amplified by drainage information received 08/08/2019 and 12/08/2019 and amended plans and information received 20/09/2019 and 07/11/2019)


This application was on the agenda for the Joint Planning Committee which took place on 27 November. Due to the length of that meeting, the Committee agreed to adjourne the meeting for this item to be considered at the earliest opportunity.





That, permission be GRANTED, subject to the applicant entering into a Deed of Variation to the existing legal agreement within 3 months of the date of the committee resolution to grant planning permission to secure the provision of: 30% on site affordable housing; amended contributions towards SANG, education infrastructure, and subject to conditions 1-8 (with amended condition 5) and informatives 1-5.


RESOLVED to DEFER a decision in order to allow planning officers and the applicants to discuss improvements to the design and layout of the scheme and address the Committee’s concerns including ecological issues, SUDs, sewage disposal infrastructure, and EV charging specifications.


In favour of Deferring 13; Against 3; Abstaining 1.




Approval of reserved matters: layout, scale, appearance and landscaping following outline permission granted under WA/2015/2283 for the erection of up to 105 dwellings (including 32 affordable) together with associated works (as amplified by drainage information received 08/08/2019 and 12/08/2019 and amended plans and information received 20/09/2019 and 07/11/2019)




Planning Officers presented a summary of the planning application, which was a Reserved Matters application following grant of Outline Planning Permission in November 2018. The site was included in Waverley’s Local Plan Part 1 and the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan.


There were three verbal updates:

-        In relation to the power lines crossing the south-east corner of the site, confirmation had been received from Scottish and Southern Energy that structures within the development would not violate the required safety clearances to the overhead lines. The Council’s Environmental Health Officer had confirmed there was no objection on the basis on the power lines.

-        A SUD Scheme located on land south of the site had been approved under planning application WA/2019/1514

-        As part of the deed of variation the existing obligation to submit an open-space specification and management plan to the council for its approval had been varied so that the area beneath the power lines would be suitably managed. The SUD scheme also formed part of the deed of variation.


As a result of these updates, the recommendation had been amended, as follows:


Recommended that permission be granted subject to the applicant entering into a Deed of Variation to the existing legal agreement within three months of the date of the Committee resolution to grant planning permission to secure the provision of 30% on-site affordable housing, amended open space obligations, amended contributions towards SANG, education, infrastructure, SUDs and subject to conditions and informatives.




Committee members debated the merits of the proposed scheme and raised particular concerns regarding:

-        The distribution of the affordable housing, which appeared to be concentrated in particular parts of the site;

-        The absence of the conditions and informative previously requested by Thames Water;

-        The omission from the conditions of the specific site layout plan referred to by the Lead Local Flood Authority;

-        The adequacy of the ecology report attached to the Outline Planning Application, as the Wildlife Trust had reported no objections on the basis of there being no works to trees planned, and the current application now included proposed tree works which would impact on bats;

-        Arrangements for lighting around the site and its impact on bats;

-        The extent to which air pollution, the climate change emergency declaration, and requirements in relation to disabled parking had been taken account of; and,

-        The layout and design of the development, which was generic and not characteristic of the area, and isolated from the rest of the village.


Officers responded to clarify points regarding the identification of plans, ecological surveys, and inclusion of a lighting condition and informative. Whilst the Council had set a strategic direction in its air quality management area for Farnham, and the climate emergency declaration, these were not articulated in planning policies, and there would be a risk of challenge if the council were to impose conditions that could be considered ‘unreasonable’.


The Committee debated matters relating to design and layout, after which Cllr Follows proposed that the determination of the planning application be deferred to allow officers time to discuss with the applicants improvements to the design and layout, and to address other concerns raised.


Cllr David Else seconded the motion to defer, which was carried:


In favour of Deferring 13;

Against 3;

Abstaining 1.




RESOLVED to DEFER a decision in order to allow planning officers and the applicants to discuss improvements to the design and layout of the scheme and address the Committee’s concerns including ecological issues, SUDs, sewage disposal infrastructure, and EV charging specifications.





Supporting documents: