Agenda item

EXE 36/19 Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) - Dog Control

Issues relating to irresponsible dog ownership have featured highly in feedback from the public, and the Council has made a PSPO in relation to dog-fouling. Following extensive consultation, it is now recommended that a second PSPO is made in relation to dog controls, including dogs on lead by direction, dogs on lead, and dog exclusion zones. The proposed PSPO has been revised following consultation to strike a balance between the rights of dog-owners and the rights of other people to enjoy open spaces.


Details of the consultation process undertaken and the draft PSPO (Dog Control) are set out in the attached report, and the draft PSPO is attached at Annexe 1.



That the proposed Public Space Protection Order in respect of dog controls be made.


46.1     The Leader introduced the proposed Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) in relation to dog control. He reminded Members that the Council had already made a PSPO in relation to dog-fouling. Following extensive consultation, the Executive was now recommending that a second PSPO be made in relation to dog controls including dogs on lead by direction, dogs on leads, and dog exclusion zones.


46.2     In order to future-proof the PSPO and address an issue already identified relating to an area in Alfold that was not included in the Schedule to the Order, the Leader proposed the following additional recommendation:


            “That Council delegates authority to the Head of Environmental & Regulatory Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder and relevant Ward Members to vary, extend or delete the specific areas affected by the PSPO as listed within the Schedule of Land. Any such amendments will be subject to consultation and publicity/notification requirements (in accordance with regulations made by the Secretary of State).


46.3     The addition of the recommendation was seconded by Cllr Follows. Cllr Deanus thanked the Leader for the additional recommendation, which he felt was a sensible approach, and would address a specific need in Alfold. There were no other speakers on the amendment, which the Mayor put to the vote:


            For:      46

Cllrs Brian Adams, Christine Baker, David Beaman, Roger Blishen, Peter Clark, Carole Cockburn, Richard Cole, Steve Cosser, Martin D’Arcy, Jerome Davidson, Kevin Deanus, Simon Dear, Brian Edmonds, Patricia Ellis, David Else, Jenny Else, Paul Follows, Michael Goodridge, John Gray,  Joan Heagin, Val Henry, Chris Howard, Dan Hunt, Jerry Hyman, Peter Isherwood, Jacquie Keen, Robert Knowles, Anna James, Andy MacLeod, Peter Marriott, Peter Martin, Mark Merryweather, Stephen Mulliner, John Neale, Peter Nicholson, Julia Potts, Ruth Reed, Paul Rivers, Penny Rivers, John Robini, Anne-Marie Rosoman, Trevor Sadler, Richard Seaborne, John Ward, Steve Williams, George Wilson.


            Against:          None


            Abstentions:  2

Cllrs Mary Foryszewski and Penny Marriott.


            The amendment was carried.


46.4    Turning to the PSPO itself Members were broadly supportive, although a number had specific queries regarding the impact within their own wards. Councillor Wilson asked if professional dog-walkers could be required to have public liability insurance. The Leader agreed that professional dog-walkers could be a problem, but insurance matters were not within Waverley’s control.


46.5    The Mayor put the recommendation, that the PSPO be approved, including the delegation to enable amendments to the Schedule.  

            For:      46

Cllrs Brian Adams, Christine Baker, David Beaman, Roger Blishen, Peter Clark, Carole Cockburn, Richard Cole, Steve Cosser, Martin D’Arcy, Jerome Davidson, Kevin Deanus, Simon Dear, Brian Edmonds, Patricia Ellis, David Else, Jenny Else, Paul Follows, Michael Goodridge, John Gray,  Joan Heagin, Val Henry, Chris Howard, Dan Hunt, Jerry Hyman, Peter Isherwood, Jacquie Keen, Robert Knowles, Anna James, Andy MacLeod, Peter Marriott, Peter Martin, Mark Merryweather, Stephen Mulliner, John Neale, Peter Nicholson, Julia Potts, Ruth Reed, Paul Rivers, Penny Rivers, John Robini, Anne-Marie Rosoman, Trevor Sadler, Richard Seaborne, John Ward, Steve Williams, George Wilson.


            Against:          None


            Abstentions:  2

Cllrs Mary Foryszewski and Penny Marriott.


            The recommendation was carried.


            RESOLVED that a PSPO in relation to dog control is made, and delegated authority is given to the Head of Environmental & Regulatory Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder and relevant Ward Members to vary, extend or delete the specific areas affected by the PSPO as listed within the Schedule of Land. Any such amendments will be subject to consultation and publicity/notification requirements (in accordance with regulations made by the Secretary of State).

Supporting documents: