Agenda item

Corporate Performance Report Q2 2019-2020 July- September 2019)

The Corporate Performance Report provides an analysis of the Council’s performance for the second quarter of 2019-20. The report, set out at Annexe 1, is being presented to each of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees for comment and any recommendations they may wish to make to senior management or the Executive.




It is recommended that the Overview & Scrutiny Committee considers the performance of the service areas under its remit as set out in Annexe 1 to this report and makes any recommendations to senior management or the Executive as appropriate.


The Committee received the quarter 2 (July-September 2019) Corporate Performance Report which provided an analysis of the Council’s performance. The report was comprised of the corporate overview section with the Chief Executive’s and Section 151 Officer’s (Finance Director) comments, followed by service specific sections with Heads of Service feedback on the performance in their area. The report was used as a performance management tool by senior management and it was presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committees to scrutinise the progress against the Council’s goals and objectives.


Present at the meeting were Andrew Smith, the Head of Strategic Housing and Delivery and Kelvin Mills, the Head of Community Services and Special Projects were present to provide an update on their service area performance.


Andrew Smith confirmed what was said in the previous item that they had received a sixth domestic homicide case and the Safer Waverley Partnership was discussing the process of conducting the review.


The Committee was advised that there had been annual review meetings with all 12 organisations that the Council helped to fund through service level agreements. They had asked Voluntary Action South West Surrey to carry out organisational health checks on each organisation. These checks would be comprehensive and robust and would feed into the review of which voluntary organisations the Council might fund at the end of the SLA period in 2021 and how that funding could be best used.


Kelvin Mills advised that The mobilisation for the new grounds maintenance contract with Continental Landscapes continued to move smoothly with a start date of 1 November. As part of this complex process they were working closely with Towns & Parishes, looking to transfer land assets for them to manage locally. The Leisure service saw over 850 people take advantage of the skate and Xplorer events over the summer holidays. In addition over 3,000 older people attended sessions at the leisure centres and another 2,000 visited the specialist health prevention and rehabilitation services, all delivered by

the contractor, Places Leisure.


The Brightwells scheme was beginning to gather pace with four cranes now in position, all groundworks, including the basement for the car parking, had been completed and buildings such as the car park and retail shells starting to emerge above ground level. Community engagement had continued throughout this quarter through face to face meetings, email and through the website keeping neighbours and the public up to date with progress.


Careline had welcomed another 89 new clients and carried out 300 maintenance visits to ensure customers continued to have an effective monitoring system; the visits also served to offer support to

some of the boroughs more vulnerable residents.


The Committee noted that the funding had not been granted for the Frensham Hub. It was unfortunate and they would continue to try and locate funding.


A question was raised about staff turnover and moral of staff. It was raised that the Value for Money O&S looked at HR issues and they recently had a presentation on the feedback from the staff survey. This was generally positive and sickness levels were low. Louise Norie would circulate the results of the staff survey following the meeting. 


The Committee thanked the officers for their presentation and RESOLVED to NOTE the performance reports. .
























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