Agenda item

Cultural Strategy Action Plan Update

In 2017 the Council adopted a ten year, borough-wide Cultural Strategy and an associated Action Plan for the period 2017-19


This report invites Members to note the outputs of the current Action Plan (Annexe 1) and to agree to the consultation process set out in this report, which supports the development of a new Action Plan for the next two years.




That the Committee


1.         Notes the outputs of the current Action Plan (Annexe 1); and


2.         Agrees to the consultation process as set out in this report.


Charlotte Hall, the Community Development Officer (Arts), presented to the Committee an update on the Cultural Strategy. Members noted that the plan was in place for two years and the report invited them to note the outputs of the current Action Plan and to agree to the consultation process set out in the report which supported the development of a new Action Plan.


The Committee noted that the Action Plan was developed around three key priorities and a number of inter-related goals. Charlotte detailed some of the good work that had taken place since the implementation of the plan. Particularly the strong relationships the Council had built with the Farnham Maltings and Cranleigh Arts Centre through their service level agreements.


The Council is in the process of reviewing its Health and Wellbeing and Ageing Well strategies. This follows the introduction of the Integrated Care Partnership, in which the Council is a core partner and the publication of Surrey’s Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for 2020-2030. The Cultural Strategy Action Plan will be developed to reflect new priorities and ways of working within a health and wellbeing context.


Officers proposed to invite elected Members of the Council and cultural providers to a stakeholder workshop scheduled for January 2020. The purpose of the workshop being to report the outputs of the 2017-19 Action plan, to consult on new and emerging priorities and to begin the process of shaping a new action Plan for 2020-23 in alignment with the new Corporate Strategy. Members suggested that they invite more than just the Committee Members but all Councillors as it would of interest wider than just this Committee.  


Councillor Steve Cosser asked about whether they worked with all four areas of the borough as it appeared that most work centred around Farnham and Cranleigh. Charlotte advised that they were working with all Towns and Parishes it was just that these two areas had a central hub to deliver projects via the service level agreements that were in place.


Councillor Jenny Else commented on the amount of positive work that was being completed to reach varying ages of the Community. A lot had been carried out which was of great benefit for residents. She was concerned that there was no longer a Health and Wellbeing Officer in post and all the work was falling to Charlotte. There was a direct link to health and wellbeing through the cultural projects being carried forward and was wandering whether they should be pushing for additional funding to support this good work. Councillor Cosser felt that this was a key strategic issue and needed strategic vision as well as a feel of what doing. It was agreed that to go through this work in more detail, it should come back to the next meeting for greater discussion.


The Committee RESOLVED to


1.    Note the outputs delivered in the existing Cultural Strategy Action Plan.


2.    Agree to the initiation of a consultation process to refresh the Action Plan for the next three years; and


3.    Bring the item back to the next meeting for greater discussion.  

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