Agenda item

Item A1, WA/2018/2032 - Land North of the Runway Extension, Dunsfold Park, Stovolds Hill, Cranleigh



Hybrid application consisting of a Full Application for the erection of Buildings C, D and Energy Centre to provide approximately 6,400 sq. m. of floor space for Design and Engineering use (Mix of B use Classes to comprise Use Classes B1 Business and B8 Storage and distribution) together with car parking, landscaping and associated works. Outline application for the erection of 4 additional buildings (Mix of B use Classes to comprise Use Classes B1 Business and B8 Storage and distribution) including Design Headquarters; Layout and Scale to be determined at Outline. This application is accompanied by an Environmental Statement Addendum which is supplementary to the original Dunsfold Park ES submitted under WA/2015/2395





That, subject to completion of a legal agreement by 30/01/2020 to secure highway sustainability improvements and travel plan auditing fee, and subject to conditions 1-38 and informatives 1-24, permission be GRANTED


That, if the requirements of recommendation A are not met, that permission be REFUSED





WA/2018/2032 - Hybrid application consisting of a Full Application for the erection of Buildings C, D and Energy Centre to provide approximately 6,400 sq. m. of floor space for Design and Engineering use (Mix of B use Classes to comprise Use Classes B1 Business and B8 Storage and distribution) together with car parking, landscaping and associated works. Outline application for the erection of 4 additional buildings (Mix of B use Classes to comprise Use Classes B1 Business and B8 Storage and distribution) including Design Headquarters; Layout and Scale to be determined at Outline. This application is accompanied by an Environmental Statement Addendum which is supplementary to the original Dunsfold Park ES submitted under WA/2015/2395 at  Land North Of The Runway Extension, Dunsfold Park, Stovolds Hill,  Cranleigh



Decision A                   RESOLVED that permission be APPROVED subject to completion of a legal agreement by 30/01/2020 to secure a cap on vehicular movements, highway sustainability improvements and travel plan auditing fee, and subject to conditions 1-3 and 5 – 38 as set out on the agenda report.


Decision B                   RESOLVED that permission be REFUSED if the requirements of decision A are not met.



WA/2018/2032 - Hybrid application consisting of a Full Application for the erection of Buildings C, D and Energy Centre to provide approximately 6,400 sq. m. of floor space for Design and Engineering use (Mix of B use Classes to comprise Use Classes B1 Business and B8 Storage and distribution) together with car parking, landscaping and associated works. Outline application for the erection of 4 additional buildings (Mix of B use Classes to comprise Use Classes B1 Business and B8 Storage and distribution) including Design Headquarters; Layout and Scale to be determined at Outline. This application is accompanied by an Environmental Statement Addendum which is supplementary to the original Dunsfold Park ES submitted under WA/2015/2395 at  Land North Of The Runway Extension, Dunsfold Park, Stovolds Hill,  Cranleigh


With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a summary of the planning context for making a decision on the application, and then outlined the proposed development including site plans and the layout. Officers outlined the determining issues and those matters of a more subjective nature.


The Committee was advised that since the agenda papers had been published there had been no comments to the amendments from Dunsfold Parish Council. Furthermore, condition 4 was deleted as the condition relating to a cap on vehicular movements within the wider Aerodrome site would be addressed through a legal agreement rather than condition. This was because the applicant was not the landowner for the site.


The Committee noted that the application was originally reported to the Joint Planning Committee on the 23rd April 2019. The committee resolved to grant planning permission subject to the completion of a legal agreement to secure highway sustainability improvements and travel plan auditing fee.


The original proposal, submitted by Gordon Murray Design Limited, related to the construction of a new headquarters building providing a mix of B use classes to comprise Use Classes B1 Business and B8 Storage and distribution.


Since that time, the wider masterplan for Dunsfold Park had evolved, including developing an alternative access road to the access approved (in outline form) under WA/2015/2395. There was a concurrent application on the agenda for the proposed road (WA/2019/1278). These developments had necessitated alterations to the siting of the buildings pursuant to the proposal. Rather than proceed to determination of the application in line with the previous recommendation, the applicant had submitted amended plans. The amendments involved re-positioning the proposed buildings up to 6m further north, together with alterations to the layout of the car park and associated landscaping.


Public speaking


There was no public speaking.




The Committee considered the application and raised concern about light spill into the woodland. Officers advised that they were seeking a lighting strategy to the north of the site.


Councillor Liz Townsend asked about the ecology of the site. She had abstained previously on the outline application as there was no information received on this. She was advised that Natural England had been consulted but no further comments had been received on the changes.


A question was asked about the biodiversity enhancements and whether or not a condition/informative needed to be included. They were advised that Surrey Wildlife Trust would be consulted to ensure covered and an ecologist would complete a survey which would be in the public domain. There were two conditions in relation to landscaping particularly on the eastern boundary.


Councillors generally were supportive of the scheme and welcomed the significant employment opportunities that it would create. The proposed changes to the scheme were considered relatively minor in nature, and would not result in any new planning issues over and above those previously considered. The original report conclusions were considered to remain valid, namely that the benefits of delivering additional employment on a site, which was allocated for further employment growth would outweigh the adverse impacts in relation to the identified modest harm to the Countryside beyond the Green Belt. 


The Committee considered the revised recommendation in the update sheet and voted 15 for, no against and 2 abstentions for recommendation A and voted 17 in favour for recommendation B so both were carried.




Decision A                   RESOLVED that permission be APPROVED subject to completion of a legal agreement by 30/01/2020 to secure a cap on vehicular movements, highway sustainability improvements and travel plan auditing fee, and subject to conditions 1-3 and 5 – 38 as set out on the agenda report.


Decision B                   RESOLVED that permission be REFUSED if the requirements of decision A are not met.

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