Agenda item

A1. APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION - WA/2019/0067 - Land south of Daviesites, Charterhouse, Queens Drive, Godalming



Erection of 2 buildings comprising over 4,000 sq.m of floor space up to 4 storeys in height to provide student accommodation with associated landscaping and associated works together with a car park of 77 spaces at  Land South Of Daviesites, Charterhouse, Queens Drive  Godalming.




That, subject to consultation with the Secretary of State, conditions 1 – 21 and informatives 1 – 6, permission be GRANTED.




Erection of 2 buildings comprising over 4,000 sq.m of floor space up to 4 storeys in height to provide student accommodation with associated landscaping and associated works together with a car park of 77 spaces.


With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a summary of the planning context for making a decision on the application, and then outlined the proposed development including site plans and the layout. Officers outlined the determining issues and those matters of a more subjective nature.


Since the report had been published, a representation had been received from Godalming Town Council objecting on the basis of encroachment into the Green Belt where exceptionally special circumstances had not been met. Two further representations had been received from members of the public which commented on the masterplan which had been published by the applicant on their website, outlining their long term aims for works within the site.


Additionally, officers provided some clarification in relation to the planning history on the site. While the school site had previously been considered for de-designation as Green Belt, the Council and Inspector in relation to Local Plan Part 1, had concluded that the land should remain as Green Belt. The previous assessment had been for consideration of a blanket lifting of the Green Belt designation over a large area of land. The current application, however, details an individual, specific proposal with clearly discernible impacts which would leave the majority of the Green Belt within the school site as undeveloped. The previous decision in relation to the Green Belt review, therefore did not prejudice the current application.


Public Speaking


In accordance with the Council’s arrangements for public participation at meetings, the following made representations in respect of the application, which were duly considered:


David Sanders – Objector

David Armitage – Supporter


Cllr Steve Williams had registered to speak on the application as the local Ward Member. He expressed concern that the application was for two very large buildings on Green Belt land, where he felt that there were no very special circumstances. Particularly, he felt that the Committee should not give significant weight to the educational reasons put forward by the applicant as the school did not significantly benefit the local community.




The Committee considered the application and sought clarification on a number of points. Several Councillors asked for more information about how the very special circumstances to justify harm to the Green Belt were assessed. Cllr Cosser was surprised to note that officers had generally attributed little weight to each of the arguments put forward by the applicant, but overall had concluded that their cumulative effect was sufficient. Cllr Follows also sought to understand how the aggregate benefit of each of the reasons had been assessed.


Officers responded that ultimately it was a subjective exercise, and ‘some’ weight had been given to various factors, including the educational benefit of the proposal. While the proposal did constitute development in the Green Belt, this had not been assessed as substantial harm as it was essentially infilling between existing built form. As such, officers attributed ‘moderate’ harm to the Green Belt. Further clarification was also provided in relation to the educational benefit, which in the NPPF referred to ‘serving the needs of the community’ but didn’t specify a geographical area.


Some Members felt that as there were already a number of buildings on the site, this proposal did not cause significant harm as it did not encroach on the wider Green Belt. Generally, it was felt that the proposals were of a good level of design.


The Committee also considered the CIL implications of the development, however officers advised that there were certain exemptions for educational establishments so CIL may not apply. Additionally, the Committee was informed that CIL was pool of funds and therefore the spending of the money would not be directly linked to the application.


Following the debate, the Committee moved to the recommendation which was agreed with 14 in favour, 4 against and 2 abstentions. Cllrs Dickson and Gray had arrived late to the meeting and therefore did not take part in the vote on this application.




RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED, subject to consultation with the Secretary of State, and conditions 1 -21 and Informatives 1 – 6 as set out in the agenda report.

Supporting documents: