Agenda item


To receive presentations on the service areas falling within the remit of the Panel.


The Committee received presentations from the Heads of Service on the areas falling within the remit of the Committee.


Andrew Smith, Head of Housing Delivery and Communities, gave an overview of the range of services provided by his team. These were housing needs, housing development, housing strategy and enabling, private sector housing, service improvement and communities (specifically community safety).  He advised that his team maintains the housing register and allocates social and affordable homes in the Borough.  The Committee was advised that there is a lack of affordable homes in the Borough. The average price of a market home in the Borough was in the region of £500K, which is beyond the means of families on average salaries in the Borough.  Work around the prevention of homelessness was an important part of the team’s remit.


The Committee asked:

·         how the Council monitors the levels of affordable housing expected from developers.  Andrew advised that the team is involved at the start of the planning application through the enabling officers who advise on the required levels.

·         does the Council still receive government grants?  Andrew responded that there were grants still available and the Council does have a grant to fund social housing.


Hugh Wagstaff, Head of Housing Operations, advised that his team look after the maintenance of the properties, rents, tenancies, senior living and tenancy support services.  An overview was presented of the work carried out to maximise net income under the HRA Business Plan. 


The Committee received an update on the activities carried out by team in relation to the Council’s contractors and optimisation of the services provided by them – It was suggested this could be an area the Committee may want to look at.


Hugh then reported on the challenges faced in collection of the rents to our properties.  Currently there is a £28 million rent roll which has decreased slightly as government legislation imposed a 1% rent decrease. Despite this the arrear levels are relatively small at £180,000 which equated to a 0.6% of the rent roll.  It was pointed out that the implementation of universal credit is likely to cause challenges with regards to rent arrears.


A new contractor (MPS) has recently been engaged to provide the maintenance for the Council’s properties. A customer satisfaction survey is carried out throughout the maintenance journey.


It was stressed that the tenancy support team is central to the team as the team members are the ones who work to keep tenants in their homes.


Hugh then went on to outline the Housing Service Plan 2019/20 and its 5 objectives:

·         Financially Robust;

·         Meet residents needs;

·         Professional people;

·         Effective parties; and

·         Customer experience.


Yasmine Makin, Scrutiny Officer, outlined the highlights from previous years of scrutiny work carried out by previous committees:

·         Void re-let times have reduced from 57 in 2014/15 to 15 in 2018/19;

·         Work around contract renewals (resulting in MPS contract);

·         Work of the scrutiny group;

·         Pride & Prejudice – improving the perception of social housing; and

·         Housing design standards.


Issues/questions raised by the Committee:


·         Is it true that housing associations provide 25% of affordable homes in the borough?  Andrew advised this was incorrect and it was more like 75%.

·         How many offers do people get before they are taken off the housing list?  Hugh advised that the council now offer choice-based lettings which means people on the housing list bid for properties so they are offered something they have shown an interest in.

·         It was requested that the Committee considers reviewing the allocations policy.  Andrew agreed this would be useful.

·         How long is a property empty before it is advertised?  Hugh advised that if we are notified in advance that a property is coming void we will advertise immediately but it does depend upon any works required before re-let.  The chairman advised there would be an informal training in September to look at selected issues.

·         Is the work the contractors provide inspected?  Hugh advised that post inspections do take place to ensure work is carried out to an appropriate standard.

·         Do we keep statistics on homelessness?  Andrew advised that these were available.  Levels were low as robust prevention work is carried out by the team to avoid this.

·         If people are put into private rent do they then drop off the housing list?  Andrew advised this was not the case and they could still bid.

·         It was asked what the policy around domestic violence was with regards to housing and whether there was a refuge in Waverley.  Advice was there is no refuge and that we work closely with the police as to the best area to move someone to if they suffer DV.




The Chairman thanked the Heads of Service for their presentations.