Agenda item

Service presentations

To receive presentations on the Service Areas falling within the remit of the Community Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee.



6.1       The Committee received presentations from Heads of Service laying out the headline issues for the service areas within the remit of the Committee:


Richard Homewood – Head of Environmental and Regulatory Services


          The only aspect of this service falling within the remit of the Committee was Licensing of Taxis and Private Hire vehicles, and Entertainment and Liquor Licensing. The Council had a separate Licensing and Regulatory Committee which had oversight of the Licensing function, but the Committee had an interest in the service through the four licensing objectives: prevention of crime and disorder; public safety; the prevention of public nuisance; and the protection of children from harm.


          The Council’s Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Policy would be reviewed later in the year, and would be brought to the O&S committee for scrutiny as  part of the review.


Kelvin Mills – Head of Commercial Services


            Kelvin Mills outlined:

·         the Council’s plans for investment in Godalming and Farnham Leisure Centres, and a new leisure centre for Cranleigh;

·         the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Careline Service;

·         the Cultural Strategy, which contributed to health and wellbeing and the development of community identity through cultural assets;

·         Waverley Training Services, which provided a study programme for young people not in educations, employment or training (NEETs) and apprenticeships for many public sector organisations in the south. WTS had achieved a ‘good’ OFSTED rating, and recently relocated to the Memorial Hall in Farnham.


Andrew Smith – Head of Housing Delivery and Communities


            Andrew Smith outlined the partnership work with various voluntary sector organisations which Waverley supported with grants and a service level agreement. Organisations supported in this way included Citizens Advice Waverley, day centres in Cranleigh, Farncombe, Farnham, Haslemere and Milford, and the HOPPA community transport service. These organisations provided services that were highly valued, and Waverley worked closely with the respective governing bodies to help build resilience and good management practices.


6.2       In reviewing the scope of the services within the Committee’s remit, Members had a number of questions and the Chairman identified some specific areas of interest for review:

·         The impact of the Brightwells development on the Farnham Leisure Centre, and particularly the temporary parking at the Riverside – the path was poorly lit and narrow, and needed some upgrading before the winter and dark evenings

·         The use of the North Downs Way terminus in Farnham as a focus for tourism in the town

·         The investment in a new leisure centre for Cranleigh

·         Grounds maintenance and the maintenance of Surrey verges

·         The issues around the Farnham Museum building

·         Waverley Training Services

·         The Ageing Well Strategy, and prevention of loneliness across all age groups

·         Community safety and domestic abuse


6.3       The Chairman thanked Heads of Service for the presentations. He was keen that as the Committee developed its work programme, Members would offer to lead on areas of particular interest, but asked that any requests for further information came through him or the Vice-Chairman.


Copies of the presentation slides were circulated to Committee members following the meeting, and are attached to the Minutes.