Agenda item

Service Presentations

To receive presentations on the Service Areas falling within the remit of the Value for Money and Customer Service Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Notes outlining the content of each presentation are attached.


The Committee received presentations from the Heads of Service on the areas falling within the remit of the Value for Money and Customer Service O&S Committee.


Business Transformation


David Allum, Head of Business Transformation, outlined the responsibilities and priorities for this Service Area. He advised the Committee that Business Transformation was a relatively new Service Area, the creation of which had been driven by the requirement to deliver key financial savings by 2022/23. The Business Transformation project comprised a number of work streams with corporate overview which would ensure that a joined-up approach was taken and that any project drift would be identified and prevented.


The Committee asked for details of when more information about each of the work streams would be available. David explained that the scoping phase for each project would be completed by the end of June, and the aim was to publish the Strategy document by the end of July.


Commercial Services


Kelvin Mills, Head of Commercial Services, informed the Committee that this Service Area had been charged with bringing a more commercial approach to the Council. A new Commercial Strategy was being developed and Kelvin would present a draft of this to the Committee at its next meeting in September. Building Control was the main Service which fell within the remit of the VfM and Customer Service O&S Committee; Kelvin advised that the aim for this team would be to increase its market share with the overall aim of becoming budget-neutral.


The Committee also received a presentation on Brightwells Yard. This redevelopment programme would be important for the Council’s future income generation. Debbie Smith, Development Programme Manager, also circulated a brochure which included a timeline with key milestones for the project, including the opening of retail units in Spring 2021.


The Chairman, Cllr Potts, highlighted that this was a major scheme that would bring in income for the whole borough. She asked for more specific details of anticipated income,  which Kelvin agreed to circulate after the meeting.


Members agreed that it would useful to see this project as a standing item on the Committee’s agendas, in order to monitor progress and make sure it stays on track. There was also a request for more detailed project milestones to be included in future updates.


Economic Development


Paul McKim, Head of Planning and Economic Development, provided the Committee with an overview of the business economy in Waverley. An Economic Development Strategy was already in place, and an action plan was being prepared to support this. Paul was planning to present this to the Committee at its meeting in November. The Economic Development team was also supporting the creation of four Business Improvement Districts, working closely with the local Chambers of Commerce.


The Committee was concerned to note an increase in the retail vacancy rates in town centres and queried what could be done to address this. Paul responded that the team worked with local landlords to identify why properties were empty and to encourage them to bring these back into use. Catherine Knight, Economic Development Officer, added that generally the retail vacancy rates in the borough remained below the national average of 8.9%.


Cllr Hesse suggested that pay on exit car parking could be used to encourage shoppers to spend longer in town centres. Annie Righton, Strategic Director, explained that the Executive had just commissioned a Strategic Parking Review. This review would be carried out by expert consultants and would seek to deliver a healthy level car parking turnover. This matter would be considered further by the Environment O&S Committee in due course.


Finance and Property


Peter Vickers, Head of Finance and Property, advised the Committee of how this Service Area was responsible for ensuring robust financial management throughout the whole organisation by supporting both officers and Members with effective decision making. This Service Area was also responsible for managing the Council’s commercial property portfolio and seeking to generate income through property acquisitions via the Property Investment Strategy. Peter agreed to circulate further details of service metrics, specifically relating to revenues and benefits, following the meeting.


Policy and Governance


Louise Norie, Corporate Policy Manager, presented an overview of the Policy and Governance Service. A new Communications and Engagement Strategy was being developed and would come forward in due course. This would see a more planned and targeted approach being taken to corporate communication. A new website would also be developed over the coming year, which would facilitate some aspects of the Customer Service Programme.


The Committee was concerned to note that the Local Land Charges service, which was one of the biggest income generating teams within Policy and Governance, would eventually transfer to the Land Registry and therefore this income stream would be lost. Cllr Mulliner queried whether a date for this transfer was known, however officers responded that a date had not yet been set.


The Chairman thanked the Heads of Service for their presentations, which provided very useful background for when the Committee came to consider its work programme later in the meeting.

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