Agenda item


Proposed Development

Listed Building Consent for demolition of the attached Redgrave Theatre, conversion of Brightwell House to form 2no. restaurant units.  Works to include single/two storey extensions to the north and west (containing additional ground floor restaurant space, kitchen areas, stores, toilets, staircase and plant room and first floor kitchens, stores, staff WC and plant room). Works to existing house to include reinstatement of 3no. original hipped roofs and roof light to the north elevation and hipped roofs over the existing bay windows and reinstatement of the glazed canopy in the southern elevation. Reinstatement of original chimneys, internal fireplaces and staircase. Partial unblocking of a first floor window on the west elevation. Removal of later partition walls and ground floor toilet; new openings through to first floor extension, installation of servery. Some blocking in of existing internal openings. Demolition of boundary walls, toilet block and cottage at  Brightwells House, Brighwells Road,  Farnham, GU9 7SB



That, subject to conditions, listed building consent  be GRANTED


Listed Building Consent for demolition of the attached Redgrave Theatre, conversion of Brightwell House to form 2no. restaurant units.  Works to include single/two storey extensions to the north and west (containing additional ground floor restaurant space, kitchen areas, stores, toilets, staircase and plant room and first floor kitchens, stores, staff WC and plant room). Works to existing house to include reinstatement of 3no. original hipped roofs and roof light to the north elevation and hipped roofs over the existing bay windows and reinstatement of the glazed canopy in the southern elevation. Reinstatement of original chimneys, internal fireplaces and staircase. Partial unblocking of a first floor window on the west elevation. Removal of later partition walls and ground floor toilet; new openings through to first floor extension, installation of servery. Some blocking in of existing internal openings. Demolition of boundary walls, toilet block and cottage at  Brightwells House, Brightwells Road,  Farnham, GU9 7SB (as amplified by letter dated 22/12/2014)


The Chairman introduced the Officers present and referred Members to the proposed order of business for the meeting.


With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a summary of the planning history of the site, and the current plans and proposals. Officers showed pictures of the site and plans for the application. Members were advised that the principle of the proposed works and demolition had been established by the previous consent WA/2011/1215. The Historic Buildings Officer had advised that the proposal would satisfactorily preserve the character, appearance and setting of the Listed Buildings and it would not cause harm to the significance of the heritage asset. Members were advised that a further letter had been received from English Heritage clarifying that its original letter did not constitute a formal objection to the scheme, but set out its position and offered some general advice. The original letter recognised the significant benefit of bringing back into use a vacant and vulnerable Grade II listed building. In consideration of the responses from consultees, consideration of national and Waverley’s own planning policies, It was the officers view that the scheme should be supported subject to the conditions and an informative detailed in the report.


Officers outlined the matters of principle/technical judgement and those matters of judgement and advised members of information received following the agenda being published and detailed in the update sheet. This included a further 15 representations but these did not raise any additional material considerations. The Committee was advised that the loss of the theatre use was established by planning permission WA/2012/0912. The principle of the loss of a use/facility was not a matter material to the assessment of a Listed Building application and the planning permission remained extant under WA/2012/0912.


Following the officers presentation and before the Committee debated the application, in accordance with the guidance for public participation at meetings, each party was given the opportunity to speak for up to 5 minutes. The following people spoke to the application:



Dr Laurence Carter


Farnham Town Council

Cllr Genziani



Bruce McArthur


Having heard the officers’ presentation as well as the representations from the objectors, the Parish Council and the applicant, Members were invited to ask any further questions or to seek clarification on areas of concern from the officers.


Having concluded its deliberations, the Joint Planning Committee RESOLVED that: planning permission be GRANTED subject to the following conditions and informatives:


1.         Before the relevant work begins, detailed plans and information in respect of the following shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority.  The work shall be carried out in full in accordance with such approved details:        

            (a)        joinery at a scale of 1:5

            (b)        sections through roof ridge, hips, valleys, eaves & verges at a                     scale of 1:5

            (c)        internal drainage routes, noting all necessary cutting, chasing                     and other alteration to historic fabric at a scale of 1:5

            (d)        samples of external materials and surface finishes..

            (e)        schedule of all doors, windows, joinery, fireplaces, decorative                     plasterwork and other architectural features that are to be                            altered, relocated, concealed or removed, fully describing the                         work proposed.


2.         Before any work begins details of the following steps in relation to the retained portion of Brightwell House shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority and then undertaken to secure the safety and stability of that part of the building to be retained.  Such steps to relate to:

            (a)        strengthening any wall or vertical surface

            (b)        support for any floor, roof or horizontal surface, and

            (c)        provision of protection for the building against the weather


3.         The demolition hereby permitted shall not be undertaken before a contract for the carrying out of the works of redevelopment of the site has been awarded and planning permission has been granted for the redevelopment for which the contract provides.  A copy of this contract shall be submitted to the Planning Authority for verification before any works commence.


4.         Before any work begins, a building record and analysis of the basement / cellar shall be made by a suitably qualified person approved by the Local Planning Authority.  A copy of the information shall be offered for deposit with Farnham Museum or The Surrey History Centre.


5.         Before any works begins, a specification for the protection and future maintenance of the basement / cellar must be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The approved measures must thereafter be fully implemented. They must cover the structural protection of the basement / cellar during adjacent ground works, the permanent protection of surviving cellar doors, provision of ventilation to the basement / cellar, the installation of access for future access for inspection and maintenance.


6.         The plan numbers to which this permission relates are TPN-D12-050, TPN-D12-004 B, TPN-D12-001, TPN-D12-056, TPN-D12-051 A, TPN-D12-002 A, TPN-D12-003, TPN-MP-071, TPN-MP-070, TPN-MP-071, TPN-D12-005, TPN-D12-007 A, TPN-D12-010 A, TPN-D12-012, TPN-D12-013, TPN-D12-014.  The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans.  No material variation from these plans shall take place unless otherwise first agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.




1.         The Council confirms that in assessing this listed building consent application it has worked with the applicant in a positive and proactive way, in line with the requirements of paragraph 186-187 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012.


[Note: Councillor Diane James requested that her vote against the recommendation be recorded]

Supporting documents: