Agenda item


To receive the Minutes of the Executive meeting held on 12 March 2019 (attached – coloured grey), and to consider the recommendations set out within.


There are three PART I recommendations to Council:


EXE 82/18     Place-shaping Waverley (Annexe 1)


The Corporate Strategy 2018-23 states that we will “explore the nature of ‘Place Shaping’ and the benefits it affords to our varied communities”. The report sets out our proposed approach to ‘place-shaping’ in the borough, drawing on the Council’s agreed strategies, and recommends that a Place-Shaping Reserve be established to fund place-shaping projects.


The Executive RECOMMENDS to Council that up to £250,000 of the one-off financial gain from Waverley’s participation in the 2018/19 business rate pilot be earmarked to establish a new Place-Shaping Fund.


EXE 83/18     Capital Strategy (Annexe 2)


The Capital Strategy brings together the Council’s detailed policies, procedures and plans relating to cash investments and property assets. The report also seeks approval of the Treasury Management Framework for 2019/20 which is an integral part of the Capital Strategy and a statutory requirement.


Having considered the comments of the Value for Money and Customer Service Overview & Scrutiny Committee, the Executive RECOMMENDS to Council that it approves:


1.         the Capital Strategy for 2019/20


2.         the Prudential Indicators, and


3.         the Treasury Management Framework for 2019/20


EXE 84/18     CIL Governance Arrangements (Annexe 3)


On 11 December 2018, Council approved outline governance arrangements for the allocation of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) receipts to enable the delivery of specific infrastructure projects that will support and mitigate impact of development in the Borough over the Local Plan period, including establishment of a CIL Advisory Board.


The CIL Advisory Board has met, and put forward proposals for its Terms of Reference and detailed governance arrangements for the allocation of CIL. The proposals have been scrutinised by the Value for Money and Customer Service Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


The Executive has considered the comments of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee and accepted the amendment to recommendation 5, which is reflected in the recommendation from the Executive to Council.


Having considered the comments of Value for Money & Customer Service Overview & Scrutiny Committee, the Executive RECOMMENDS to Council that:


1.         The CIL Advisory Board Terms of Reference (attached), are endorsed.


2.         The draft evaluation and scoring framework for assessment of bids for funding from the Strategic CIL Fund (attached), are agreed.


3.         The Strategic CIL Fund is ‘bottom-sliced’ to create a Community CIL Fund of 10% of the Strategic CIL Fund receipts, for funding low-value but desirable community infrastructure projects on application from parish councils, with priority being given to bids from parish councils with relatively low Neighbourhood CIL Fund receipts.


4.         The delegation to the Executive to approve bids for allocation of Strategic CIL Funding, on the recommendation of the CIL Advisory Board is subject to an upper limit of £2.5m, above which approval reverts to Council.


5.         Delegated authority is given to the CIL Advisory Board to propose revisions to the governance arrangements that would be subject to the usual scrutiny process and subject to an annual report to the Executive and Council.


Members of the Council wishing to speak on any Part II matters of report must give notice to the Democratic Services Team by midday on Tuesday 19 March 2019.


72.1     It was moved by the Leader of the Council, duly seconded and


            RESOLVED   that the Minutes of the Executive held on 12 March 2019 be received and noted.


            The Leader reported that there were three Part I items for recommended to Council. There were two requests to speak in relation to Part II of the Minutes.

Supporting documents: