Agenda item

APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION - WA/2018/1815 - Land Opposite Milford Golf Club, Station Lane, Milford, Surrey



Outline application for up to 200 dwellings (use class C3) including 30% (60) affordable dwellings with access to be determined, the provision of SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace) and associated infrastructure (as amended by revised documents submitted on the 11/12/2018, 01/02/2019, 08/01/2019, 17/01/2018 and 14/01/2019).






That, subject to the applicant entering into an appropriate legal agreement within 6 months of the date of the committee resolution to grant planning permission, to secure the provision of/contributions towards: 30% affordable housing and affordable housing mix, education infrastructure, SuDS management/maintenance, public open space and play space provision and maintenance, highways improvements, environmental improvements contribution, travel plan, car club, leisure and green space areas, environmental enhancements, waste and recycling facilities, and provision and maintenance of an on-site SANG; subject to conditions and informatives, outline permission be GRANTED.




That, if the requirements of Recommendation A are not met permission be REFUSED.




That, if formal planning decision in respect of recommendation A is issued on 01/03/2019 or thereafter, then the Head of Planning be authorised to charge CIL in accordance with the Council’s approved CIL Charging Schedule and revised Section 106 Infrastructure payments.


Proposed development

Outline application for up to 200 dwellings (use class C3) including 30% (60) affordable dwellings with access to be determined, the provision of SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace) and associated infrastructure (as amended by revised documents submitted on the 11/12/2018, 01/02/2019, 08/01/2019, 17/01/2018 and 14/01/2019)  


With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a summary of the planning context for making a decision on the application, and then outlined the proposed development including site plans and the layout. Officers outlined the determining issues and those matters of a more subjective nature.


The Committee was advised that since the agenda papers had been published there had been additional consultee responses from Surrey County Council CIL Education Infrastructure and Natural England. There were also questions from Councillors and Witley Parish Council on SANG, CIL, flooding and the Local Plan which the Officers had answered before the meeting and included on the update. The update also detailed amendments to and additional conditions.     


Public speaking


In accordance with the Council’s arrangements for public participation at meetings, the following made representations in respect of the application, which were duly considered:


Tim House – Objector

Cllr Gillian McCalden – Witley Parish Council

Shaun Taylor - Applicant/Agent




Councillor Paul Follows began debate by asking a number of questions. He asked whether the development had factored in other new developments in the area such as Aarons Hill. He asked for clarification on SANGs and what was a car club for which was proposed as part of the scheme. Officers advised that other developments had been taken account in relation to highway concerns and the applicants were implementing a wide number of improvements to the road network in the near vicinity to aid traffic flow as well as road safety for pedestrians. The Car Club was a scheme which a number of new developments were now putting in place. It allowed residents to share a car for short term hire on a pay per trip basis. This allowed individuals affordable access to a vehicle without the need for ownership. On this development there would be 2 and for the first year paid by the developers. This was a relatively new concept so there were no figures to on take up within developments but there was one in Guildford that appeared to be performing well.


Cllr Michael Goodridge referred to the legal challenge where in March 2018 the Claimants sought permission to judicially review the Council’s decision to adopt the Local Plan Part 1 on six grounds relating to Milford Golf Course and a restrictive covenant which burdened it. On 19 June 2018 John Howell QC (sitting as Deputy High Court Judge) ordered that permission be refused as none of the grounds amounted to an arguable case. The Committee was advised that covenants were not a planning consideration and that was something that the developer would have to deal with themselves.


A number of Councillors raised concerns about pedestrian safety and officers advised that they had noted these concerns expressed by Members on the site visit the day before but they stood by the recommendation as detailed proposals for highway and pedestrian safety had been proposed by the applicant already.  


Concern was expressed about the position of the SANG and questioned whether it was suitable and met the criteria. Officers confirmed that Natural England had raised no objection in relation to this matter and had considered it suitable.


Cllr Denis Leigh expressed his concern and as a motorist who drove around that area, agreed with many of the representations that had been sent in objection to the scheme on road capacity issues. He raised concern about the flooding at wet spots, the varying footpath widths and was disappointed that the application was no longer 180 but up to 200 which was a 11% increase.


Cllr Paul Follows advised the Committee that he was frustrated that they were making a decision on this application 8 days before CIL would be in place. He would prefer that the application was on a different and more sustainable site as the roads were already bad and would only get worse with the new developments coming forward.


Councillor Foryszewski asked about what effect rejecting this application would have on the 5 year housing supply. Officers responded that they were very close and it was a challenging environment. They confirmed that although the application said up to 200 this was not committed to and could change when it came to reserved matters. If it was refused it would make other sites more vulnerable but this was a strategic site already and the principle had been established.


Cllr Jerry Hyman expressed his concern that an Environmental Impact Assessment had not been completed and felt because of this missing information the application should be refused. It was put to the vote and 3 were in favour, 14 against and 1 abstention so the vote was lost.


Further concerns were repeated from Councillors on flooding, the road network and SANG provision but moving to the recommendation in the update sheet (with additions made at the meeting), the motion to approve was 10 in favour, 5 against and 3 abstentions. Recommendations B and C were agreed unanimously.    




Decision A:


RESOLVED that, subject to the applicant entering into an appropriate legal agreement within 6 months of the date of the committee resolution to grant planning permission, to secure the provision of/contributions towards: 30% affordable housing and affordable housing mix, education infrastructure, SuDS management/maintenance, public open space and play space provision and maintenance, highways improvements, environmental improvements contribution, travel plan, car club, leisure and green space areas, environmental enhancements, waste and recycling facilities, and provision and maintenance of an on-site SANG; and subject to conditions 1-44 (with the amendment to condition 13 as noted below) the two additional conditions noted in the update sheet and informatives 1-15 as well as three additional informatives that are noted below, outline permission be APPROVED.


Condition 13 (amended)

The development hereby approved shall not be first occupied unless and until the following off-site highway improvements are provided, in general accordance with Drawing No's SK21811-11 Rev C; SK21811-12 Rev E; SK21811-13 Rev A; SK21811-14 Rev A; SK21811-15 Rev A; SK21811-16 Rev A; SK21811-17:

           Improved informal crossing facilities at the Portsmouth Road mini roundabout junction, to improve access to the nearby bus stops adjacent to this junction.

           Enhancements to the eastern and western carriageway lane widths at the Portsmouth Road roundabout junction, to allow approaching traffic to form up in dedicated left and right hand turning lanes - these measures will enhance traffic flow through this junction.

           Delivery of an enhanced uncontrolled crossing facility immediately to the west of the parade of shops on Church Street.

           On the Station Lane approach to the Church Street junction the carriageway has been widened to provide extended left and right hand turning lanes, as well as relocated pram crossings, tactile paving and yellow box to prohibit traffic blocking the village car park.

           A new shuttle working traffic arrangement has been shown over the Station Lane Bridge, allowing the existing footway on the eastern side of the carriageway to be widened to 2.0 m.

           Widening of the footway to 2.0m on the eastern side of Station Lane between the road bridge and the golf club access.

           Two new pedestrian crossing on Station Lane between the road bridge and the existing golf club access, connecting to new pedestrian/cycling route on the eastern boundary of the site, parallel with Station Lane.

           New crossing with pedestrian refuge on Station Lane adjacent to the south-eastern corner of the site, providing a connection between the site and the existing footway on the eastern side of Station Lane, with a refuge point of 2.0m.

           Zebra crossing on Station Lane adjacent to Rake Lane.

           Traffic calming measures, in the form of speed cushions, at regular intervals on Station lane to reduce vehicle speeds and enable to reduction of the speed limit from 40mph to 30mph.



In order that the development should not prejudice highway safety nor cause inconvenience to other highway users in accordance with Policy ST1 of the Local Plan 2018 (Part 1) and the NPPF.



1.         The developer is advised that as part of the detailed design of the highways improvements works required by condition(s) above the County Highways Authority have stated that the developer would be expected to engage with neighbouring land owners to the east to ensure that any highways works carried out assess the potential to implement works  that would reduce the risk of surface water flooding, including ‘west spots’,  along Station Lane as part of these works.


2.         We would expect the developer to engage proactively with the Neighbourhood Plan Group within Witley in regard to the submission of a Reserved Matters Application(s) to ensure that the scheme reflects the local aspirations for the detailed design of the site and to encourage proactive and positive engagement with the local community.


3.         This application grants outline permission with the matters regarding the detailed design of the development reserved. Any Reserved Matters application shall respond to the local character of the area and the rural context of the site and provide dwellings of an appropriate scale, height and form. The prevailing character of the area is two storey dwellings and any designs put forward at a detailed Reserved Matters stage is to conform to this precedent. 




Decision B:


RESOLVED that, if the requirements of Recommendation A are not met permission be REFUSED.


Decision C:


RESOLVED that, if formal planning decision in respect of recommendation A is issued on 01/03/2019 or thereafter, then the Head of Planning be authorised to charge CIL in accordance with the Council’s approved CIL Charging Schedule and revised Section 106 Infrastructure payments.




Supporting documents: