Agenda item


To advise the committee of the outcome of the project to procure a range of repairs and maintenance contractors for April 2019. To introduce Vicky Fordam-Lewis MPS Housing Limited’s Managing Director.




The Committee are asked to:


1.       comment on the progress against the project plan and make any observations to the Executive;

2.       thank the tenant volunteers for time taken to complete evaluations and assessments;

3.       support mobilisation of contracts; and

4.       request future post implementation progress reports on all contracts.



The Committee received a report on the outcome of the project to procure a range of repairs and maintenance contracts for April 2019. Vicky Fordam-Lewis MPS Housing Limited’s Managing Director was present at the meeting and was introduced by Annalisa Howson, Service Improvement Manager. Vicky provided a presentation, introducing the team and the responsive repairs and voids contract promises. The slides are attached to these minutes.


The Committee was reminded that the number of repairs and maintenance current contracts were due to end in spring 2019 or to be extended for a further seven years. Following a thorough procurement plan, the project had progressed well with all key elements completed in 2018. There had been a slight delay with the planned interview dates and with contract signing but due to the healthy mobilisation period within the procurement project plan there had been no adverse impact.


The Committee noted the procurement outcomes and the post project actions. This report which identified the successes of the project and lessons learnt including recommendations for future procurement projects.


It was noted that in November 2018 Mitie Group announced the agreement to sell its social housing business, including the Waverley Contract to Mears Group plc. The Team met with Mitie and Mears to clarify the company structure and for confirmation of the commitment to the delivery of the Waverley contracts. It was confirmed that the external decoration service and Waverley’s redecoration framework contract remained within the Mitie Group. MPS Housing Ltd would be separate from Mears Ltd the Councils current responsive repairs provider.


The Committee was advised that introductory meetings with all contractors had been held and mobilisation had commenced. A second windows and doors procurement project was planned for spring 2019. Mobilisation was in progress with joint teams developing processes and training. A pilot kitchen and bathroom replacement programme was due to commence shortly and a tenant drop in event to meet MPS was booked for 15 February and a tenant’s newsletter to introduce the new contractors and services would be sent towards the end of March.


Councillor Patricia Ellis asked a question about one of the organisation’s aims which was to reduce the amount of telephone contact by 5% and questioned whether this was make more use of contact via online forms. She was advised that 35% of the calls they received were in relation to upcoming appointments and that more effective communication through the web would reduce the need for these calls.


Councillor Richard Seaborne asked about the breakdown of the new organisation and whether Mears staff, who were well trained and experienced in the area, would be retained. He was advised that they had a legal responsibility and most staff would be TUPE’d across and any new members of staff thoroughly trained from the start of employment.


Councillors Liz Townsend, Paul Follows and Pat Frost asked questions regarding the monitoring of customer satisfaction, when this would happen and if they shared data or had targets. The Committee was informed that they wanted to engage with customers and would carry out customer surveys both by staff and an independent external company during and following the service respectively. They wanted to get things right first time and if not, rectify any issues raised by customers at the earliest opportunity. Data was shared across branches and with clients as they wanted to be open and transparent.


Councillor Richard Seaborne asked about the Windows and doors replacement programme and how long this would take and impact on the work programme. He was advised that they had only just recently carried a big programme of window replacement and that there was limited budget in the next year as it was not required. Councillor Liz Townsend asked whether tenants were kept informed of when they would expect their windows to be replaced, Hugh Wagstaff, Head of Housing Operations advised that this was an area that they were looking into and that did need improving. They had just recruited a new asset manager and part of his role would be to manage this and improve customer service and engagement in this respect.


Councillor Richard Seaborne asked a further question regarding staffing and whether there was enough technical staff for the service to run smoothly. Hugh Wagstaff responded that, this was a challenge for the Council, hindered capital works and they had gone out a number of times for recruitment of surveyors. They continued to look into options but initially were looking to “grow our own” by developing current staff into the roles.


The Committee resolved

  1. To thank the tenant volunteers for their time taken to complete evaluations and assessments;
  2. To support the mobilisation of contracts; and
  3. To request future post implementation progress reports on all contracts.

Supporting documents: