Agenda item


To receive the Minutes of the Executive meeting held on 4 December 2018, and to consider the recommendations set out within (herewith).


There are five PART 1 recommendations to the Council:


EXE 52/18     Redevelopment of Land Adjacent to 85 Aarons Hill, Godalming and 13 Ryle Road, Farnham (see Appendix 1 of the agenda supplement, page xx)


The Executive RECOMMENDS that the Council approves the allocation of funding from the New Affordable Housing Reserve, as set out in the Exempt Annexe to the report at Appendix 1, for the development of land adjacent to 85 Aarons Hill, Godalming and 13 Ryle Road, Farnham.



EXE 53/18     Community Centre Building and Land, Cranleigh – Transfer from Housing Revenue Account (HRA) to General Fund (see Appendix 2 of the agenda supplement, page xx)


The Executive RECOMMENDS to Council that:


1.         Pursuant to section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972, the land outlined in blue on the Plan at Annexe 1 to the agenda report at Rowland Road, Cranleigh, Surrey be transferred from the Housing Revenue Account to the General Fund;


2.         The Chief Executive be authorised to execute a memorandum confirming the appropriation; and,


3.         To cover future liabilities, a one off transfer of £25,000 be made from the Housing Revenue Account to the General Fund at the time of the transfer.



EXE 54/18     Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Governance Arrangements (see Appendix 3 of the agenda supplement, page xx)


The Executive RECOMMENDS to Council that:


1.         The governance arrangements for the allocation and spending of Strategic CIL receipts as set out in the report at Appendix 3 be approved.


2.         A CIL Advisory Board is established, as set out in paragraph 19 of Appendix 3.


3.         Strategic CIL receipts are held in a Strategic CIL Fund, to be allocated to infrastructure identified in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan, in accordance with the Regulation 123 List.


4.         Delegated authority is given to the CIL Advisory Board to agree the detailed criteria for the spending of Strategic CIL receipts and any proposals for allocating proportions of the Strategic CIL Fund for specific purposes.


5.         Delegated authority is given to the Executive to approve Strategic CIL Fund spending, after consideration of the recommendations from the CIL Advisory Board.



EXE 55/18     Proposed Public Space Protection Order 1 – Dog Fouling – Response to Public Consultation (see Appendix 4 of the agenda supplement, page xx)


The Executive RECOMMENDS to Council that the Public Space Protection Order No.1 (Dog Fouling) be approved.



EXE 56/18     The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 (see Appendix 5 of the agenda supplement, page xx)


The Executive RECOMMENDS to Council that the proposed fee structure be adopted.



Members of the Council wishing to speak on any Part II matters of report must give notice to the Democratic Services Team by midday on Tuesday 11 December 2018.


47.1    It was moved by the Leader of the Council, duly seconded, and


            RESOLVED  that the Minutes of the Executive held on 4 December 2018 be received and noted.


The Leader reported that there were five items under Part I for consideration by the Council, and she had had no requests to speak in relation to Part II of the Minutes.

Supporting documents: