Agenda item


To answer any questions received in accordance with Procedure Rule 11.2.


The deadline for receipt of questions was 5pm on Tuesday 4 December 2018.


The following question has been received from Cllr David Beaman, Farnham Castle Ward:


“WBC's recently adopted Economic Development Strategy includes in its vision the need to provide high quality business and employment support  but  this will be frustrated if the Post Office in Farnham is closed and replaced by a facility in W H Smith on The Borough. There is limited space in W H Smith and as a consequence it is unlikely that all the services provided in the current Post Office will continue. In addition The Borough where W H Smith is located has limited pavement space and high levels of air pollution are recorded in the area.


Farnham's current Post Office is well used both by local residents and businesses and there is significant opposition to the proposal as evidenced by a petition undertaken on three consecutive Saturday mornings on which there are now just over 1,500 signatures (over 2 signatures being collected every minute). Since postal deliveries will continue from the same building closing the Post Office will not allow any potential redevelopment of the existing site.


Will, therefore, WBC oppose the closure of Farnham's Post Office and any transfer of services to W H Smith and an invitation sent to the management of Post Office Counters to appear before a meeting of one of WBC's Overview and Scrutiny Committees to answer questions on these proposals?”


Response by the Mayor:


“The Leader of Waverley Borough Council, Cllr Julia Potts was dismayed to hear that there was to be a consultation concerning the potential closure and proposed move of the much valued Farnham Post Office.  The Post Office is a key footfall driver on West Street and often a vital service for small businesses. Cllr Jim Edwards Portfolio Holder for Economic Development will be writing on behalf of Waverley Borough Council  to express concerns at this proposal. The Chamber of Commerce have also said that this would be disastrous, not just for small businesses; they added that they use this daily for all special/recorded mail and the Post Office always seems to have a queue therefore it is hardly underutilised


The Council feels very strongly that it is important to retain an efficient and full post office service in the heart of the community in Farnham, which is one of Surrey’s largest settlements. Officers have spoken to the Post Office network and have been informed that a formal 6 week consultation will be launched in the New Year. Farnham Ward Councillors have been contacted and have already expressed strong views about the proposed move. The matter will be considered in the public domain by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


In the meantime, Officers are arranging to meet with representatives from the Post Office and Royal Mail to ensure that they are clear on the strength of feeling that  this Borough has on the closure and move of a vital community service which is highly valued and used by residents.“



45.1    The following question had been received from Cllr David Beaman, Farnham Castle Ward:


“WBC's recently adopted Economic Development Strategy includes in its vision the need to provide high quality business and employment support  but  this will be frustrated if the Post Office in Farnham is closed and replaced by a facility in W H Smith on The Borough. There is limited space in W H Smith and as a consequence it is unlikely that all the services provided in the current Post Office will continue. In addition The Borough where W H Smith is located has limited pavement space and high levels of air pollution are recorded in the area.


Farnham's current Post Office is well used both by local residents and businesses and there is significant opposition to the proposal as evidenced by a petition undertaken on three consecutive Saturday mornings on which there are now just over 1,500 signatures (over 2 signatures being collected every minute). Since postal deliveries will continue from the same building closing the Post Office will not allow any potential redevelopment of the existing site.


Will, therefore, WBC oppose the closure of Farnham's Post Office and any transfer of services to W H Smith and an invitation sent to the management of Post Office Counters to appear before a meeting of one of WBC's Overview and Scrutiny Committees to answer questions on these proposals?”


45.2    Response by the Mayor:


“The Leader of Waverley Borough Council, Cllr Julia Potts was dismayed to hear that there was to be a consultation concerning the potential closure and proposed move of the much valued Farnham Post Office.  The Post Office is a key footfall driver on West Street and often a vital service for small businesses. Cllr Jim Edwards Portfolio Holder for Economic Development will be writing on behalf of Waverley Borough Council  to express concerns at this proposal. The Chamber of Commerce have also said that this would be disastrous, not just for small businesses; they added that they use this daily for all special/recorded mail and the Post Office always seems to have a queue therefore it is hardly underutilised


The Council feels very strongly that it is important to retain an efficient and full post office service in the heart of the community in Farnham, which is one of Surrey’s largest settlements. Officers have spoken to the Post Office network and have been informed that a formal 6 week consultation will be launched in the New Year. Farnham Ward Councillors have been contacted and have already expressed strong views about the proposed move. The matter will be considered in the public domain by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


In the meantime, Officers are arranging to meet with representatives from the Post Office and Royal Mail to ensure that they are clear on the strength of feeling that  this Borough has on the closure and move of a vital community service which is highly valued and used by residents.“