Agenda item

B1 - WA/2017/2391 - Land south of High Street between Alfold Road and Knowle Lane, Cranleigh GU6 8NE


Approval of reserved matters for phase 2.2 for the erection of 130 dwellings with associated access, parking, drainage and landscaping works following the outline approval WA/2016/1625 for the erection of 425 dwellings. This is a subsequent application under the EIA Regulations and is accompanied by a statement of conformity (as amended by plans and documents received 09/08/18)


















That, subject to a S106 Agreement to secure a deed of variation to amend the affordable housing provision in relation to phases 2 and 3, and conditions 1-18 and informatives 1-21, the Reserved Matters of Layout, Scale, Appearance and Landscaping be APPROVED.


That details pursuant to the S106 Agreement requirement in respect of a Play Space Specification and Play Space Management Plan for WA/2014/0912 (Schedule 4, Clause 1.1.1) be APPROVED.


That, in the event that a deed of variation to the original legal agreement to amend the affordable housing provision is not completed within 6 months of the resolution to grant the reserved matters, that the Reserved Matters of Layout, Scale, Appearance and Landscaping be REFUSED



Proposed development

Approval of reserved matters for phase 2.2 for the erection of 130 dwellings with associated access, parking, drainage and landscaping works following the outline approval WA/2016/1625 for the erection of 425 dwellings. This is a subsequent application under the EIA Regulations and is accompanied by a statement of conformity (as amended by plans and documents received 09/08/18) at  Land south of High Street between Alfold Road and Knowle Lane, Cranleigh GU6 8NE


With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a summary of the planning context for making a decision on the application, and then outlined the proposed development including site plans and the layout. Officers outlined the determining issues and those matters of a more subjective nature.


Officers drew Members attention to the update sheet. Since the agenda had been published, plans had been submitted where were reviewed by the Council’s Tree Officer and it was noted that the originally proposed yellow leaved trees and magnolias, which were of concern, had been substituted. The proposed planting specification was now considered to be acceptable. There was an update from the County Council’s Principal Environmental Assessment Officer and one amendment to a condition.


The Committee was advised that the reserved matters application related to part of a wider site which adjoined a Builders’ yard and Hewitts Industrial Estate was also being developed with residential dwellings. Outline permission was granted on 31/06/2016 under Ref WA/2014/0912 for up to 425 dwellings including affordable homes, new access points and associated works. This application comprised the information for Phase 2.2 of the development, which contained 130 dwellings in total.


Public speaking


There was no public speaking.




The Committee debated the application and number of Members were disappointed about the size of the Affordable Housing dwellings being considerably smaller than that of the market housing. It was felt that this was not satisfactory, portrayed the wrong message and they were quite far under the national space standards. Officers advised that it is acknowledged that a number of the proposed units would not accord with the Standards. However, the Council did not have a Local Plan Policy in respect of these standards and, having regard to the floorspaces to be provided, Officers nevertheless considered that an appropriate standard of accommodation would be provided on site.


There was confusion by the Committee on the phasing of the development and why phase 2.2 was coming before 2.1. Furthermore, how could they be certain that the number of affordable homes would be built. Officers advised that there was an decision pending on phase 2.1 (approval of reserved matters for phase 2.1 for the erection of 18 dwellings, parking, drainage and landscape works and detail of the road from the Alfold Road access and the bridge over Littlemead Brook). Officers also advised that the applicant was increasing the number of affordable homes from 50 to 58. This was Phase 2.2 of a 425 dwelling development, and therefore, the mix of housing would be balanced across the wider development to result in a scheme that, in total, would meet the identified need for housing. In the event that the applicant were to submit further phases that did not seek to balance out the housing mix, the Council would be in a position to refuse subsequent schemes on the basis that the housing needs of the area would not be met.


The Committee moved to the recommendation to grant which was lost with 0 for, 18 against and 1 abstention. Similarly recommendation B was lost with 0 for, 15 against and 4 abstentions (recommendation C was no longer required). An alternative proposal to refuse was put forward which was won with 19 for. Reasons are noted below.




RESOLVED to REFUSE planning permission for the following reasons:



1.            The proposal by virtue of the layout and scale of the units would not provide for an acceptable standard of accommodation and would be contrary to Policy TD1 of the Local Plan 2018 (Part 1), retained Policies D1 and D4 of the Local Plan 2002, paragraph 127 of the NPPF 2018 and the Department for Communities and Local Government Technical Housing Standards – Nationally Described Space Standard (March 2015).


2.            In the absence of a Section 106 Agreement to secure a deed of variation to amend the affordable housing provision in relation to phases 2 and 3, the scheme for Phase 2 would fail to provide for the level of affordable housing proposed.





Supporting documents: