Agenda item

Item A1, WA/2018/0275 - Land at Sturt Farm, Sturt Road, Haslemere GU27 3SE



Approval of reserved matters for 132 dwellings (Appearance, Layout and Scale) for development for residential use pursuant to planning permission WA/2017/1346 (to reflect revised access arrangements to outline permission WA/2014/1054). (This is a subsequent application under the EIA Regulations, and is accompanied by a Statement of Conformity) (As amended by plans and information received 1/10/2018 and 16/09/2018)





That, the Reserved Matters of Layout, Scale and Appearance be APPROVED, subject to conditions 1-14 and informatives 1-9.



That details pursuant to the following be approved:


           Conditions 7 (surface water drainage), 8 (foul water drainage) and 10         (Drainage strategy) of WA/2017/1346

           The S106 Agreement requirements in respect of Affordable Housing for    WA/2017/1346 (as required by clause1.1 of  schedule 2).

           The S106 Agreement requirement in respect of SANG for WA/2017/1346 (as        required by clause 3.3 of schedule 2).

           The S106 Agreement requirement in respect of Play Area for WA/2017/1346        (as required by clause 3.1 of Schedule 2).

           The S106 Agreement requirement in respect of Open Space for     WA/2017/1346 (as required by Clause 3.2.1 of Schedule 2).



Proposed development

Approval of reserved matters for 132 dwellings (Appearance, Layout and Scale) for development for residential use pursuant to planning permission WA/2017/1346


With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a summary of the planning context for making a decision on the application, and then outlined the proposed development including site plans and the layout. Officers outlined the determining issues and those matters of a more subjective nature.


The Committee noted that since the agenda report had been published, there had been a response from Natural England, raising no objection to the reserved matters in light of the specific clauses within the S106. There had been further comments from the applicants/agent and officers had made a number of amendments to the conditions which were detailed in the update sheet.


The Committee was reminded that outline planning permission for the erection of a35 dwellings together with associated development including hard and soft landscaping, access roads including partial demolition of retaining walls, public open space, dedicated woodland and permanent footways and the upgrading of existing footpath to a pedestrian/cycle link (PROW No.35), had already been approved under lanning application WA/2014/1054 and that this was a material consideration.


Public speaking


In accordance with the Council’s arrangements for public participation at meetings, the following made representations in respect of the application, which were duly considered:


Robert Lane - Objector

Andrew Stainsby - Applicant/Agent




The Committee considered the proposal and asked about the removal of trees which the public speaker had eluded to. Officers advised that trees had been removed, including an oak tree but none of these were subject to tree preservation orders.


There was concern expressed about the separation distances and the elevations to nearby properties. Officers advised that whilst there would be a minor shortfall with regard to distances between some dwellings, Officers were satisfied that overall the proposed dwellings would provide a good standard of accommodation for future residents having regard to proposed separation distances, light, outlook, privacy and size of accommodation. Officers were also satisfied that the harm to the setting of the near by Listed Buildings would be no greater than that previously accepted as part of the grant of outline permission and that the public benefits of the proposal would outweigh the less than substantial harm.


The Committee was pleased to note that the application provided 40% of affordable homes. Furthermore, the provision of car parking spaces for residents and visitors met the Council’s guidelines.


At the conclusion of the debate, the Chairman moved to the recommendations in the update sheet. Recommendation A there were 15 in favour, 1 against and 2 abstentions so it was carried. The vote for recommendation was 17 in favour and 1 abstention so was also carried. 




Decision A:

That the Reserved Matters of Layout, Scale and Appearance be Approved, subject to Conditions 2, 5-7, 9-12 and 14, as set out on pages 52-58 of the agenda report, amended Condition 1 as per the second update sheet,  amended conditions 3, 4, 8 and 13, as set out on the first update sheet, and informatives 1-9, as set out on pages 58-60 of the agenda report.


Decision B:

That details pursuant to those noted on page 60 of the agenda report that details in respect of conditions 7, 8 and 10 of WA/2017/1346 be agreed and Affordable Housing, SANG, Play area and open space details required by specific clauses in the S106 Agreement be approved.






Supporting documents: