Agenda item

Item A1 - WA/2017/1778 - Garden Style Nursery, Wrecclesham Hill, Wrecclesham GU10 4JX



Erection of 72 dwellings, including 26 affordable following demolition of existing buildings with associated access, car and secure cycle parking, landscaping and servicing (as amended by plans recieved 19/03/2018, 27/06/2018 and 01/08/2018, 08/08/2018, 31/08/2018, 03/09/2018, 04/09/2018)





That, subject to conditions, the completion of an appropriate legal agreement by 19/03/2019 to secure affordable housing, planning infrastructure contributions and contributions to SANG at Farnham Park, a Landscape Ecological Management Plan, off-site highways improvements,   permission be GRANTED


That, in the event that the requirements of Recommendation A are not met, permission be REFUSED



Proposed development

Erection of 72 dwellings, including 26 affordable following demolition of existing buildings with associated access, car and secure cycle parking, landscaping and servicing (as amended by plans recieved 19/03/2018, 27/06/2018 and 01/08/2018, 08/08/2018, 31/08/2018, 03/09/2018, 04/09/2018)


With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a summary of the planning context for making a decision on the application, and then outlined the proposed development including site plans and the layout. Officers outlined the determining issues and those matters of a more subjective nature.


The Committee was advised that permission was sought for the erection of 72 dwellings, including 26 affordable dwellings, following demolition of existing buildings with associated access, car and secure cycle parking, landscaping and servicing. Some works associated with this application had commenced on site, including the demolition of the former nursery buildings and the construction of some dwellings. As such, this application was partially retrospective.


Erection of 65 new dwellings, including 26 affordable, following demolition of existing buildings with associated access, car and secure cycle parking, landscaping and servicing (WA/2015/2163) had been approved by the Committee on 7 July 2016.


Members noted that since the publication of the agenda, additional plans had been received and the Council’s Greenspaces Manager had requested a change to the infrastructure projects for leisure/parks and countryside. There were a number of changes/amendments proposed to the conditions which were outlined in the update sheet.


Public speaking


In accordance with the Council’s arrangements for public participation at meetings, the following made representations in respect of the application, which were duly considered:


Stephen Trenwith - Applicant/Agent




The Committee considered the application and was very disappointed about the breach of conditions by the applicants in relation to the trees. Works pursuant to the existing 65-unit scheme had commenced without appropriate tree protection measures in place, in breach of relevant conditions. The works included the construction of a temporary access road within root protection areas. The Council’s Tree & Landscape Officer had visited the site and witnessed direct damage to tree roots from the roadway installation at an inappropriate juxtaposition. It was noted that exposed shattered rooting was visible.


The Committee was informed that the removal of the trees had not been appropriately justified by the applicants. As such, a criminal offence may have occurred under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and this matter was the subject of an open planning enforcement investigation. This position was far from desirable, but it was not possible to reverse the harm that had been caused through the tree removal. However, there was an opportunity to secure improvements over the existing position and the new application proposed compensation planting towards the rear of the site.


Members noted the apology from the applicant during the public speaking but were still frustrated that this had not been picked up earlier so that the damage could have been avoided. It was noted that this was subject to planning enforcement action and the officers could not go into the details during public session. Councillor Paul Follows questioned whether or not they should wait for the investigation to be complete before making a decision. Elizabeth Sims explained that they were two different processes and that this was not in their remit. 


Councillor Kevin Deanus raised several points particularly around the Affordable Housing being in one place and not spread out across the site, and six of the dwellings being below the minimum space limit standard. Councillor  Jerry Hyman asked about an Appropriate Assessment and the Council’s Planning Lawyer confirmed that it was satisfactory.


Councillor Paul Follows left at 7.49pm so did not take part in the vote.


During debate the Committee requested condition 4, regarding electrical charging points, be amended to be more robust, and asked for additional conditions in relation to the management of the proposed pumping plan and dwellings have been completed to meet the requirement of 110 litres of water per person per day. 


The Chairman moved to the revised recommendation A, on which 12 voted in favour, 2 against with 1 abstention. Voting on recommendation B was unanimous in favour.




Decision A

RESOLVED that, permission be APPROVED subject to the completion of an appropriate legal agreement by 22/02/2019 to secure affordable housing, planning infrastructure contributions, contributions towards Farnham Park SANG, a Landscape Ecological Management Plan and conditions 2-5 and 7- 10, 12-24, 26-27 and 29 as set out on the agenda report, amended conditions 1, 6 and 25 set out on this update sheet and the amendments and additional conditions noted below:


  • Amended Condition 4:

The development hereby approved shall not be first occupied unless and until the following facilities have been provided in accordance with a scheme to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, in consultation with the Highway Authority and the Council’s Environmental Health Officer for:

(a)       The secure parking of bicycles within the development site. Such facilities to be integral to each dwelling/building.

(b)       Electric Vehicle Charging Points within the development in accordance with Surrey County Council’s Vehicular and Cycle Parking Guidance (January 2018). Charging points should be 7kw as a minimum, and shall as a minimum be provided for each dwelling and for 20% of spaces for flats.

(c)        Details confirming that the publically accessible Electric Vehicle Charging Points will be registered with a national scheme to ensure availability of Electric Vehicle Charging Points to a wider network of users


These facilities shall thereafter be retained in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


  • Additional condition 30:

Prior to the first occupation of the development, a management plan relating to the proposed pumping station in the north east corner of the site, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The management plan shall detail how the pumping station will be maintained and accessed, including in the event of any system failures and shall include measures to avoid any resultant harm to the Ancient Woodland resulting from the maintenance and operation of the pumping station. The pumping station shall be operated in complete accordance with the approved details.


  • Additional condition 31:

Prior to the first occupation of each dwelling, details shall be submitted to and be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority to confirm that the dwelling has been completed to meet the requirement of 110 litres of water per person per day. 


Decision B

That, in the event that the requirements of Recommendation A are not met, permission be REFUSED.



Supporting documents: