Agenda item

Economic Strategy

At its meeting on 25 June 2018, the VfM and Customer Service O&S Committee made several comments on the draft Economic Strategy. In light of these comments officers have worked with the consultants, held a Member workshop and held a tour of the borough in order to further improve the Strategy. The purpose of this item is to update the Committee on the work that has been carried out as a result feedback from various consultees. The Committee is asked to endorse the final Economic Strategy (to follow).




It is recommended that the VfM and Customer Service O&S Committee passes any final comments to officers and endorses the Economic Strategy to the Executive.


Cllr Jim Edwards, Portfolio Holder for Economic and Community Development, was in attendance at the meeting, and, along with representatives from Atkins, delivered a presentation on the new Economic Development Strategy (attached).


He explained that the Council’s Strategic Review in 2016 had identified a need to produce a new Economic Development Strategy to promote Waverley’s future economic prosperity. Using an evidence based approach, an overarching strategic vision had been produced for Waverley for the period 2018 – 2032. The Strategy was also supported by an action plan that would be updated more regularly.


The Strategy set out how the vision would be achieved through six key themes.

·        Support sustainable business and economic growth;

·        Provide high quality business and economic support;

·        Support healthy towns and village centres;

·        Encourage a successful visitor economy that’s right for Waverley;

·        Develop links with and support the education sector; and

·        Support the right housing developments in the local community.


Consultation had taken place with a number of key stakeholders including Town and Parish Councils and local Chambers of Commerce. 180 separate comments had been received which overall showed good support of the six themes.


The Committee thanked officers for arranging the workshop and tour of the borough which had taken place since its last meeting. The latest draft of the Strategy had incorporated many of the comments that had been raised during these events.


Cllr Gray was in attendance at the meeting and spoke on this item. He felt that the six themes still didn’t fully address the rural economy, highlighting the distinction between businesses actually connected with the land, such as farming, and those simply based in rural locations. He suggested that some businesses were based in rural locations by necessity rather than choice and could struggle due to infrastructure issues.


Members agreed that Strategy could do more to engage with the rural economy, and Cllr Band suggested making reference to the Surrey Hills AONB Management Plan.


The Committee found the addition of the Executive Summary very helpful, and recommended that this be tightened up further as well as including the headline figure for the total value of Waverley’s economy. Members also suggested that the vision needed to take into account of those who live in the Borough but work elsewhere, for example, commuters to London. Similarly, there were staff in lower paid sectors, such as the care industry and retail, who had to travel into the Borough due to the high cost of living.


Cllr Round also highlighted that the high cost of cost of businesses rates was a challenge for small businesses and suggested that this be raised with the Government.


Cllr Hesse was also in attendance at the meeting and spoke on this item. He expressed concern over the vision, and felt that the aspirations needed be more SMART in order to know whether the Council was achieving what it set out to do. He also suggested including a section on risks and opportunities.


Members acknowledged that as a local authority, Waverley’s influence was limited, and therefore the inclusion of measureable targets would be challenging. Cllr Mulliner added that he felt Waverley’s role was to monitor and support local businesses.


The Committee thanked officers for their hard work since that last meeting however felt that further improvements could be made on the Executive Summary and Vision sections. Councillors Mulliner, Seaborne, Nasir and Hesse agreed to provide further suggestions to officers after the meetings.


The Committee agreed to endorse the Economic Development Strategy to the Executive, subject to consideration of the comments raised above and further suggestions to be made by Councillors following the meeting.

Supporting documents: