Agenda item


The report provides an analysis of the Council’s performance in the fourth quarter of 2017/18 in the service area of Community Services. Annexe 1 to the report details performance against key indicators.




It is recommended that the Community Wellbeing Overview & Scrutiny Committee:

1.    Considers the performance figures for Quarter 4 and the 2017/18 outturn and agrees any observations or recommendations about the performance and progress towards target it wishes to make to the Executive.

2.    Endorses the proposed changes to the current indicator set under the remit of this committee. 



The Committee received the performance management report for . The report provided an analysis on the Council’s performance in the third quarter of 2017/18 in the service area of Community Services. Members noted that as agreed, they only received a report on an exception basis so focused on performance indicators which were 5% above or below their targets.


The Committee was advised that all 6 performance indicators performed on target showing a great improvement over the preceding quarter. Members noted that The number of visits to the Farnham Leisure Centre (FLC) had picked up in Q4 and returned to green after 3 quarters of underperformance caused by the tougher market conditions, due to an increase in local competition. The number of visits for all leisure centres exceeded the target by 11.65%, with an overall number of 2,000,719 visits in 2017/18 compared with the joint target of 1,792,000.


The Committee noted that The museums performed well in 2017/18 compared to the preceding year, with higher numbers overall for visits and learning activities. The new Careline indicators introduced last quarter performed well, with a steady number of clients throughout 2017/18. The collection of the data for the additional indicator monitoring the number of “critical faults dealt with within 48 hours” started in April and the performance figures will be presented to the committee from September 2018/9. To boost the residents’ awareness about Careline, marketing brochures advertising the

service were sent in April with the council tax bill around the borough.


The Committee noted that In order to allow a more meaningful analysis of leisure performance, the officers had conducted the review of the current indicator set. It had been noted that up to this point the committee only received the data on the number of visits to the leisure centres, which although easy to measure did not present a full picture about the health and

wellbeing of our residents or participation at our leisure events. Therefore it was recommended to make the following changes:


Number of Access to Leisure cards issued - Discontinue

Total number of visits to Waverley Leisure Centres - New

Number of visits to Farnham Leisure Centre - Discontinue

Number of visits to Cranleigh Leisure Centre - Discontinue

Number of visits to Haslemere Leisure Centre -Discontinue

Number of visits to The Edge Leisure Centre - Discontinue

Number of visits to Godalming Leisure Centre - Discontinue

Total number of attendees of the health and wellbeing activities - New

Total number of participants to Waverley leisure events - New


It was also proposed to discontinue the current museum indicator set as of Q1 2018/19. In 2017 Waverley completed the transfer of ownership of Godalming Museum’s daily operations to Godalming Town Council and the Farnham Museum was already managed by Farnham Maltings. In light of these changes, the performance monitoring through the current indicator set was no longer required and the officers suggest a discontinuation of these two KPIs:


·        Total number of visits to and use of museums (Farnham & Godalming);

·        Total users of learning activities (number of attendees to on-site and off-site learning activities (Farnham & Godalming);


The officers would continue to monitor the performance through the Service Level Agreements in place. The Committee noted that new indicators for the Waverley Training Services was being finalised and the date would be brought to the next Committee.


The Committee thanked officers for the report and endorsed the proposed changes to the Executive.




Supporting documents: