Agenda item


To consider the attached exempt report.


The Sub-Committee considered a report regarding a review of a Hackney Carriage Driver’s Licence.


The driver was in attendance at the meeting and confirmed that he had read and understood the papers that he had received. Members asked questions of the driver and what led to the matters referred to in the exempt report.


The Sub-Committee withdrew at 10.48am to consider whether or not the driver could continue to operate. Following the Sub-Committee’s deliberation the meeting resumed at 12.03pm. The Council’s solicitor had been asked to advise the Sub-Committee during their deliberations on the wording of their decision.


RESOLVED that the driver’s licence be suspended for a period of 3 calendar months, during which time the driver would be required to successfully complete a suitable test. The suspension would take effect at the end of the period of 21 days which commenced on the day on which notice of the suspension was given to the driver in writing (midnight on 12 June 2018). Full reasons for the decision would be noted in the (exempt) annexe to these minutes.

Supporting documents: