Agenda item

Service Plans 2018/19

The report presents the Service Plan objectives and actions for the financial year 2018-2019.  Service Plans are produced in order to deliver the Council’s corporate objectives and form an important element of the Council’s overall performance management framework by linking Corporate Strategy objectives through service plan actions into individual performance targets.




It is recommended that the Executive:


1.         considers the observations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and agrees what action should be taken in relation to the specific recommendations as follows, that:


a.    in future years, where Service Plans refer to a specific budget implication, this be cross-referenced to the appropriate line of the budget report;

b.    proposals be included in the Communities Service Plan to identify issues of loneliness and isolation experienced by Waverley residents; and

c.    the strategic review of off-street car parking provision looks at the potential to maximise the use of Waverley’s car parks through, for example, building on levels above the car parks to provide homes for rent; and whether chevron parking in some car parks would improve layout;


2.            approves the Service Plan objectives for 2018/19, if necessary taking account of the observations and recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees; and


3.            recommends that all Heads of Service review their Service Plans for 2018/19 once the new Corporate Strategy is agreed.



The Executive, after considering the observations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees, has AGREED that:


1. a.    in future years, where Service Plans refer to a specific budget implication, this be cross-referenced to the appropriate line of the budget report;

b.    proposals be included in the Communities Service Plan to identify issues of loneliness and isolation experienced by Waverley residents; and

c.    the strategic review of off-street car parking provision looks at the potential to maximise the use of Waverley’s car parks through, for example, building on levels above the car parks to provide homes for rent; and whether chevron parking in some car parks would improve layout;


2. the Service Plan objectives for 2018/19 be approved; and


3. all Heads of Service review their Service Plans for 2018/19 once the new Corporate Strategy is agreed.


[Reason: to agree the Service Plans for 2018/19.]

Supporting documents: