Agenda item

APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION - WA/2017/2028 - Brightwells House, Brightwells Road, Farnham GU9 7SB


Listed Building Consent for the demolition of the attached Redgrave Theatre, conversion of Brightwell House to form 2 restaurant units. Works to include single/two storey extensions to the north and west (containing additional ground floor restaurant space, kitchen areas, stores, toilets, staircase and plant room and first floor kitchens, stores, staff wc and plant room). Works to existing house to include reinstatement of 3 original hipped roofs and rooflight to the north elevation and hipped roofs over the existing bay windows and reinstatement of the glazed canopy in the southern elevation. Reinstatement of original chimneys, internal fireplaces and staircase. Partial unblocking of a first floor window on the west elevation. Removal of later partition walls and ground floor toilet; new openings through to first floor extension, installation of servery. Some blocking in of existing internal openings. Demolition of boundary walls, toilet block and cottage.



That, subject to conditions 1-6, Listed Building consent be GRANTED



Listed Building Consent for the demolition of the attached Redgrave Theatre, conversion of Brightwell House to form 2 restaurant units. Works to include single/two storey extensions to the north and west (containing additional ground floor restaurant space, kitchen areas, stores, toilets, staircase and plant room and first floor kitchens, stores, staff wc and plant room). Works to existing house to include reinstatement of 3 original hipped roofs and rooflight to the north elevation and hipped roofs over the existing bay windows and reinstatement of the glazed canopy in the southern elevation. Reinstatement of original chimneys, internal fireplaces and staircase. Partial unblocking of a first floor window on the west elevation. Removal of later partition walls and ground floor toilet; new openings through to first floor extension, installation of servery. Some blocking in of existing internal openings. Demolition of boundary walls, toilet block and cottage.


With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a summary of the planning context for making a decision on the application, and the proposed development including site plans and the layout. Officers outlined the determining issues and those matters of a more subjective nature.


The Committee was advised that since the agenda had been published there had been an additional 4 letters of objection to the scheme. These did not raise any new issues which were not already covered in the planning officers report.


The Committee was reminded that this was an application for Listed Building Consent. However, it followed a previous consent, based on an identical proposal and that application was, in turn, a revision to a previous consent in 2014 both of which were now expired.     


Public speaking

In accordance with the Council’s arrangements for public participation at meetings, the following made representations in respect of the application, which were duly considered:


Anne Cooper - Objector

David Maddox – Supporter


Councillor Andy MacLeod also spoke for a period of 4minutes and, as Ward Councillors was permitted to come back at the end of the debate to clarify any matters.




The Committee considered the consent application and questions were raised regarding a change to Condition 3 (noted below):


Existing condition 3

The demolition hereby permitted shall not be undertaken before a contract between the applicant and the Borough Council for the carrying out of the works of the redevelopment of the site has been entered into and planning permission has been granted for the redevelopment for which the agreement provides. A copy of this contract shall be submitted to the Planning Authority for verification before any works commence.


Re-worded condition 3

The demolition hereby permitted shall not be undertaken before a development agreement between the applicant and the Borough Council for the carrying out of the works of the redevelopment of the site has been completed. A copy of this development agreement shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and this shall provide evidence that the development shall be constructed in accordance with planning permission ref. no. WA/2016/0268.


Officers explained the reason behind the change and the Committee took a vote on this. The Committee agreed the change with a vote of 18 in favour and 2 against.


The Committee heard from the two Farnham Residents Members who expressed their concerns of approving the consent. They raised points about the viability of Brightwells House being made into restaurants as a number of businesses were closing on the high street as people went online to do their shopping. They advised that they knew the Redgrave was not a particularly pretty building but by demolishing it and sticking another building in its place was not the right thing to do and would not enhance Brightwells House. They also commented that just because consent had been granted before, doesn’t mean they would lose at appeal if they didn’t grant consent again.


The Committee discussed the fact that this had been granted before and officers confirmed that this was an identical application. It was noted that the proposal would result in ‘less than substantial’ harm to Brightwell House but Members agreed that the proposal would secure a sustainable long term future for it and would provide significant economic and social public benefits to the residents of Waverley. 




That, subject to conditions 1-6 (as amended at the meeting and noted below to conditions 3 and 6), Listed Building consent be APPROVED



3. The demolition hereby permitted shall not be undertaken before a development agreement between the applicant and the Borough Council for the carrying out of the works of the redevelopment of the site has been completed. A copy of this development agreement shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and this shall provide evidence that the development shall be constructed in accordance with planning permission ref. no. WA/2016/0268.


6 The plan numbers to which this permission relates are Site location plan TPN-MP-071 (Site location plan), TPN-D12-001 01, TPN-D12-004 01, TPN-D12-007A, TPN-D12-050 01, TPN-D12-052 01 and TPN-D12-053 01, TPN-D12-003, TPN-D12-002A, TPN-D12-010A, TPN-D12-12, TPN-D12-013, TPN-D12-014, TPN-D12-051A Survey information plan TPN-MP-071 (Survey Plan).  The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans.  No material variation from these plans shall take place unless otherwise first agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority..

Supporting documents: