Agenda item

B1 - WA/2017/0120 - 141-162 Ockford Ridge, Godalming GU7 2NL


Application under Regulation 3 for the erection of 37 dwellings (all affordable) following demolition of 22 existing dwellings with associated parking and landscape (as amended by plans received 09/05/2017, 24/05/2017 and 19/06/2017; Visibility Splay and Swept Path Analysis received 28/03/2017; Stopping-Up Plan received 11/04/2017; Preliminary Ecological Appraisal received 15/08/2017; Archaeological Trial Trench Evaluation received 15/08/2017; and Reptile Survey received 21/08/2017)



That, subject to conditions and consideration of the views of the County Archaeologist, permission be GRANTED




Application under Regulation 3 for the erection of 37 dwellings (all affordable) following demolition of 22 existing dwellings with associated parking and landscape (as amended by plans received 09/05/2017, 24/05/2017 and 19/06/2017; Visibility Splay and Swept Path Analysis received 28/03/2017; Stopping-Up Plan received 11/04/2017; Preliminary Ecological Appraisal received 15/08/2017; Archaeological Trial Trench Evaluation received 15/08/2017; and Reptile Survey received 21/08/2017) at 141-162 Ockford Ridge,  Godalming GU7 2NL


With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a summary of the planning context for making a decision on the application, and the proposed development including site plans and the layout. Officers outlined the determining issues and those matters of a more subjective nature.


Officers advised that since the agenda had been published there had been a response from the Council’s Environmental Health Officer (air quality) which removed the request for a condition regarding electric vehicle charging points. This was because there would be sufficient access within the properties to utilise electric vehicles should they wish and the development provided few opportunities for publically accessible charging points. Furthermore, the current cost of electric/hybrid car remained cost prohibitive for many people and the location of the development was unlikely to attract non-residents who wished to use charging points. It was also likely that moving forward there would be less emphasis on publicly accessible charging points as the Government’s ‘Clean Air Strategy’ will encourage more options for on-street charging and private initiatives within shopping and work destinations instead.


Officers confirmed that the development would be owned and managed by Waverley Borough Council and would replace existing Council owned properties.


Public speaking


The public speaking scheme had not been triggered for this application.




The Committee discussed the application and its merits of providing 37 affordable homes for the area. This was a great improvement on what was there currently and Members welcomed the good communication with the residents which had taken place, including newsletters and meetings. They agreed that these were much needed homes and the housing mix was adequate for this area.


A question was raised about a few flat roof areas on the dwellings and the affect of this. Members were advised that the LLFA had reviewed the proposed surface water drainage strategy for the proposed development and had raised no objection to the proposal subject to a number of recommended conditions and informatives. The recommended conditions would secure the submission and agreement of the proposed design of surface water drainage scheme; mitigation measures; details of how surface water and pollution risk will be dealt with during the construction phase; and details of maintenance regimes and responsibilities of drainage elements, prior to the commencement of development. Thames Water had been consulted on the proposal and also raised no objection, subject to conditions and informatives. The application was also supported by a flood risk  assessment (FRA).


The Committee discussed the removal of condition 22 which was in relation to the electrical points for electric/hybrid cars. Some Members felt that it was important that these were provided as they would start to see a lot more of these cars in a matter of years. Furthermore, not all of the car parking spaces were near the properties so the resident trailing an electrical wire from the house could pose a health and safety risk. Members put keeping condition 22 to a vote which was approved with 12 in favour, 3 against and 3 abstentions.   


Following further discussion, the Committee moved to the recommendation and it was approved with 18 in favour and none against or abstentions.


Accordingly, the decision was as follows:



That, subject to conditions 1 – 28 and informatives 1 – 21 as set out on pages 47 – 62 of the Agenda Report, permission be GRANTED.


Supporting documents: