Agenda item

Leisure Centre Investment: Farnham, Godalming and Cranleigh

As part of the continued improvement of our leisure facilities a feasibility study was completed in October 2017, by SLC consultancy, to identify viable options for future leisure investment across Waverley.


The outcomes of the feasibility report are supported by a robust assessment of the need for improved leisure facilities in Waverley. 


A summary of the viable options derived from the SLC report were presented to the Community Wellbeing O&S Committee in November 2017 and were received positively. Some engagement with Cranleigh Parish Council also took place during the feasibility work.


This report presents the most favourable viable options and requests formal approval to progress with detailed design and procurement of extensions to Godalming and Farnham Leisure centres. It also requests approval to begin a consultation process for investment in leisure in Cranleigh.




That the Executive recommends to Council that:


1.    A capital budget of £3.22m is agreed and officers progress with more detailed specification and procurement of the Farnham and Godalming leisure centre schemes, subject to negotiations with Places for People on future management fee payments (PfP);


2.    The Farnham and Godalming schemes are funded as per the table included in the financial implications section and the final funding arrangement be delegated to the Strategic Director (S151 Officer) in consultation with the Deputy Leader;


3.    Officers are given the delegated authority to negotiate the management fee terms for the remainder of the contract with PfP, on the basis that the extended facilities are delivered;


4.    Authority is delegated to the Strategic Director in consultation with the Deputy Leader to enter into appropriate lease and/or contractual arrangements to enable the car park lease extension at Godalming Leisure Centre.


5.    The Council commits to a multi-million pound investment in leisure facilities in Cranleigh and agree that officers begin a detailed consultation, with the support of external consultants, to identify a potential location for the Cranleigh Leisure Centre and report back to Executive.



20.1    Cllr Else introduced the report that set out the proposals and business case for a new round of investment in Waverley’s leisure centres.


20.2    As part of the continued improvement of our leisure facilities a feasibility study had been completed in October 2017, by SLC consultancy, to identify viable options for future leisure investment across Waverley. The outcomes of the feasibility study clearly showed a need for further investment to meet the demands and expectations of Waverley’s increasing population. The leisure centres were also vital to delivering Waverley’s health and wellbeing objectives, and it was important to offer an attractive and affordable alternative to private gyms and leisure centres.


20.3    The current leisure centre management contract had been a huge success and as a result of previous investment to improve facilities a contract that had cost Waverley £800,000 a year now generated over £500,000 a year of income for the Council through the management fee and profit share.


20.4    It was proposed to extend both the Farnham and Godalming leisure centres. The investment at Farnham would incorporate a children’s soft play “clip and climb” facility that would offer a distinctive offer in the area, as well as a larger café area.


20.5    In Godalming, the expansion would support an increase in the gym, a second dance studio and improved changing facilities. It would also address the need for additional parking for users of the leisure centre and relieve on-street parking in the area.


20.6    The best way to invest in Cranleigh’s leisure facilities centre was still being considered, with the options being to refurbish the existing leisure centre or build on a new site. The anticipated increase in population in Cranleigh and at Dunsfold Park was a key factor to be addressed as part of the planning for this investment.


20.7    The Leader agreed that the investment proposals were great news for residents. The Council had promised that the Brightwells capital receipt would be used to benefit residents, and she was delighted to see that the Council would be building on the success of the previous investment in the leisure centres. There was still a lot of work to be done to determine the best approach for investment in Cranleigh but the Executive was absolutely committed to delivering outstanding facilities for the residents. There had been a huge amount of work put in to reach the current stage and the Leader thanked all those who had contributed so far to the project.


            The Executive RESOLVED to


            RECOMMEND to Council that:


1.    A capital budget of £3.22m be agreed and officers progress with more detailed specification and procurement of the Farnham and Godalming leisure centre schemes, subject to negotiations with Places for People on future management fee payments (PfP);


2.    The Farnham and Godalming schemes be funded as per the table included in the financial implications section and the final funding arrangement be delegated to the Strategic Director (S151 Officer) in consultation with the Deputy Leader;


3.    Officers be given the delegated authority to negotiate the management fee terms for the remainder of the contract with PfP, on the basis that the extended facilities are delivered;


4.    Authority be delegated to the Strategic Director in consultation with the Deputy Leader to enter into appropriate lease and/or contractual arrangements to enable the car park lease extension at Godalming Leisure Centre; and


5.    The Council commits to a multi-million pound investment in leisure facilities in Cranleigh and agree that officers begin a detailed consultation, with the support of external consultants, to identify a potential location for the Cranleigh Leisure Centre and report back to Executive.


            [Reason: to ensure that Waverley’s leisure centres provide facilities that meet residents’ expectations and anticipate increased demand as a result of planned housing development.]


Supporting documents: