Agenda item

APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION - WA/2016/0114 - Alfold Garden Centre, Horsham Road, Alfold



Outline application for the erection of 10 dwellings, including 2 affordable with associated access works following demolition of existing garden centre buildings and associated works. Access and layout to be considered at outline, (as amended by plan received 20/04/2017) at  Alfold Garden Centre, Horsham Road,  Alfold GU6 8JE.




That permission be REFUSED.




Outline application for the erection of 10 dwellings, including 2 affordable with associated access works following demolition of existing garden centre buildings and associated works. Access and layout to be considered at outline (as amended by plan received 20/04/2017).


Officers presented a summary of the proposed development including photographs of the site currently, and detailed plans of the accessibility for routes to and within the site; and the layout including buildings, routes and play space. Of the two affordable dwellings proposed, one would be 1-bed and one 2-bed.


Public speaking


In accordance with the Council’s arrangements for public participation at meetings, the following made representations in respect of the application, which were duly considered:


Adrian Clarke, Cranleigh Civic Society - Objector

Jo Male - Agent




The Chairman invited Cllr Deanus, as Ward Councillor, to open the Committee’s consideration of the application.


Cllr Deanus reminded the Committee that the Parish Council had not objected to this application, although they did regret the loss of the employment in the village. He agreed with the view that a development of 10 dwellings was more in keeping with the size of the site and the character of the village. In principle, he felt this was a good application, but suggested more time was needed for Planning to work with the applicant to clarify the requirements of a S106 agreement, and conditions to be attached to an approved application.


Cllr Deanus therefore proposed that this application be deferred to allow for further discussions with the applicant. Cllr Foryszewski seconded the proposal to defer a decision.


The Principal Planning Officer advised the Committee that it could put forward an alternative recommendation to grant outline permission subject to the completion of an appropriate S106 agreement, and subject to conditions.


Speaking in support of the proposal to defer the application, Cllr Foryszewski suggested that this would provide an opportunity to look at an alternative scheme, perhaps with a mixed use. There was some goodwill behind a development of some kind on this site, but it was important that it was good, and the proposed site layout diagram was not very clear.


Cllr Frost agreed that the layout was not very clear, and she did not like or see the need for the play area; but she preferred this application to the larger one for the same site, felt the indicative designs were good, and was pleased to see that the affordable housing included both rented and shared ownership dwellings. Cllr Frost did not want to defer the application, and felt that it could be resolved by the Committee this evening.

Cllr Adams supported a deferral, but suggested that this would enable a full application to be submitted, rather than an outline application.


Cllr Hyman also supported deferring the application, but this was as he felt that there were issues to be clarified in relation to the Flood Risk Assessment, and drinking water quality.


Cllr Goodridge reminded the Committee that it was their role to consider and determine the application in front of them, not to negotiate what they would like. He did not support a deferral and recommended that the Committee decide the application this evening. Both Cllr Leigh and Cllr Gray felt that there were sufficient positive elements to the application that they were also comfortable to decide the application.


The Chairman put the recommendation that the application be deferred, and this was lost, with 5 votes in favour and 14 against. The Chairman therefore directed the Committee to consider the application as set out in the agenda report.


In response to Members’ questions, Officers clarified that as the site was not a rural exception site the affordable housing would be available to meet Waverley’s general affordable housing need; and, it would not be appropriate or reasonable for Waverley to impose a Grampian condition in relation to waste water drainage that the technical consultees had not asked for.


Whilst Cllr Deanus was reluctant to agree the application without seeing the details of the proposed conditions and S106 agreement, he did agree in principle with Cllr James’ conclusion that the proposal was modest in scale, and with no significant environmental impacts.


The Chairman put the recommendation to the Committee, as set out in the agenda, that the application be refused. The recommendation was lost, with 3 votes in favour, 13 against, and 4 absentions.


The Chairman then put the alternative recommendation to the Committee, that outline permission be granted, subject to the completion of an appropriate S106 agreement and subject to conditions, the details to be agreed by the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Ward Member and the Head of Planning. This was carried with 17 votes in favour, no votes against, and 3 abstentions.




RESOLVED to GRANT outline planning permission subject to the completion of an appropriate S106 agreement and subject to conditions, the details to be agreed by the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Ward Member and the Head of Planning.



The Committee also RESOLVED that if the requirements of the above resolution were not met, then outline permission be REFUSED.

Supporting documents: